Shizu's powers and the threat in the ogre village!

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As the day progressed, Shizu put on the clothes that Rimuru made for her.

Shizu admired the new clothes Rimuru had made, feeling the soft fabric against her skin. "These are amazing, Rimuru," she said, twirling in place. "I feel so refreshed and light."

"Okay, Shizu, how do you feel?" Eyllen asked with a warm smile.

"I... I kind of feel really refreshed and light," Shizu replied, her eyes sparkling.

"I'm really happy for you, Shizu-san. And thank you, Rimuru-san. I'm so glad Shizu is with us again," Eyllen said, her voice filled with genuine joy.

"Don't thank me," Rimuru said with a smile. "I also learned to use some of my interesting skills, like the Azure Guardian sub-skill, Guardian Sacrifice. It temporarily depowers me, but it allows me to give some of my powers to Shizu, or to say, access to some of my intrinsic skills, to be more precise."

Shizu looked surprised. "Wait, is that real? I can use your power?"

"Yeah, you can, Shizu. So, what are your powers now?" Shizu asked, curious.

"Oh my... All my intrinsic and extra skills, like those I gained from absorbing monsters: sticky steel thread, ultrasound, heat vision, magic sense, and more. My regenerative ability, electric and thermal fluctuation resistance, all of it," Shizu listed, astonished by her own newfound abilities.

Rimuru thought to himself, I can't tell them that my unique skills are also accessible to Shizu. It's too dangerous to reveal all the information. I should lock them, Azure chimed in.

Eyllen and the team members were shocked to hear the revelation. "How does a slime have so many skills and powers? Even a unique skill is a great feat," they wondered.

"Seriously," Rimuru said with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, you see, during the fight with Ifrit, I absorbed the magma salamanders and also absorbed Ifrit from Shizu's body during the fusion procedure. It's my skill Predator. I can use it to devour and analyze objects. Because of it, I can also mimic those I consume. You also saw my second unique skill Azure Guardian in action during the fight with Ifrit, so it's a great skill in my arsenal."

"So why do you look like a human child, like me when I was small?" Shizu asked curiously.

Rimuru grinned mischievously. "Oh, I ate you."

Shizu blinked in confusion. "Huh? You ate me?"

"Yeah, I ate you," Rimuru said, maintaining a straight face.

"But... I'm still alive. How did you eat me?" Shizu's eyes widened in bewilderment.

Rimuru burst out laughing. "Ahaha, I'm just joking! That's a half-truth. I literally ate you, but your backup body, or clone, I made it from your DNA. If the experiment went wrong, I would transfer the consciousness back to it again. But it seems the experiment went well, so I decided to predate the clone to mimic the human body. How cool is that?"

Shizu giggled, relieved and amused. "You had me worried for a second there!"

"But why do you look like a five-year-old girl? As I said earlier, you look like me but with blue eyes and blue-silvery hair. But I look the same as before, just much younger, and my eye color changed from black to golden," Shizu said, puzzled.

"Hmm, it seems my mimic skill transforms me to correlate with my slime form's age. Since I'm about five months old, I appear as a younger version of a human," Rimuru explained.

Shizu giggled. "So you're basically a baby monster?"

Rimuru grinned. "Pretty much! I'm a five-month-old slime with all these amazing powers. When I transform, I end up as a child version of whatever I mimic."

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