Chapter - 5

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"Attention students, due to some technical inconvenience we couldn't hold an assembly to deliver some major informations with you, so I'll be doing it through the speakers so be silence and listen carefully."

The entire school became dead drop silent as the students listened to principal's announcement.

"First of all, since it was the first day, your classes started a bit late, starting from tomorrow your class starts at 9:30am which means you all have to get here at 9 and the students who arrive late will meet consequences. Second, your timetable is arranged in such a way that the first four subjects are basic subjects and the afternoon subjects are your majored ones. It is extremely important to study all the basic subjects along with your major. And last but not least, today's school will end at 2pm. Wishing you all a great year. Thank you."

Students were making happy and contented noises at the end of the announcement. Everyone chatting loud, already making plans after school and all.

After the lunch, Jisung was having his well deserved me-time. That's when the announcement was made. Thank God I'll be out of this hellhole early. His prayer was soon interrupted by none other than Felix.

"Yo Jisung, wanna hang out after school?"
He asked enthusiastically.
"No." He said without a second though.
"Eyy you are no fun, c'mon it won't even take 10 minutes to get there." Hyunjin joined.
"I don't think I'm in any state to hangout today." Jisung replied honestly.
"Jisungggg, don't be like thatttt, I'll even treat youuu." Felix said pouting, giving extreme puppy eyes.

These mfs aren't gonna take no for an answer huh?  Why do I feel like I've already lived half of my life? Jisung sighed.
I swear I've never sighed this much in my life, and that in a whole day? And that day hasn't even ended?

"Fine, but I might leave early." He said defeated.
"YAYYY, MY TREATTT, FOR YOUUU." Felix said grinning like maniac.
"HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Buy your own food bitch."
"This is discrimination, I'll sue you lix." Hyunjin whined.
"Yeah sure 'officer, my friend buy the other friend food but not me' omg I'll be arrested within 24 hours." Felix said mocking in his tone.
"AISH, don't cause a scene you dramatic llama, I'll treat you too my princess."
"Two pieces of butter cake and one blueberry bubble tea."
"You little piece of shit." Felix said in an annoying tone.

Jisung just watched them bickering amusingly. What kind of sorcery do they posses to blabber like that? The bell rang again indicating it was 1pm as well the last class of that day.

Jisung took the necessary essentials for the class. Before he knew the class ended. Which means he now have to spend the more or less energy he have within him, with the loudheads beside him. He almost sighed at the thought.

"Jisungg, let's goo~." Felix said almost dragging Jisung but never did as he remembered Chan's words.
Lix, you can do it. No physical contacts means no physical contacts. Yes, let's do this. Ah shit God why did you created him in the most squishable way possible? Alright lix, just squeeze Hyunjin when you get the urges. Felix reminded himself.

"Well, I was wondering, how about we go in my car? I won't be able to retrieve it once the school gate close." Jisung asked.
"Dang, you have a car?" Hyunjin asked dragging the 'r' more than necessary.
"Well yeah."
"Then we'll get there in less than 5 minutes, let's goooo." Felix said dragging hyunjin with him.
"Just wait for me at the gates." Jisung said
"Sure, mate." Felix said unconsciously which might or might not had left a bitter taste in Jisung's tongue.

When the two loudheads(according to Jisung's vocabulary) finally saw Jisung's car, they were flabbergasted for the nth time of that day. They instantly seated themselves in awe. Felix immediately took the passenger seat while Hyunjin was compelled to take the back seat.

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