Chapter - 22

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The vacation was going smoothly. The friends meeting up here and there once in a week. It was finally the Christmas day. They decided to meet up on the night because they can spend the daytime with their families and relatives.

As always, Jisung woke up and went along with his daily schedule. Not even the warmth of his cozy bed or the slight coolness of the winter could fight against his OCD.

He made his way to the main hall. He saw his parents decorating the whole house with wrappers, balloons, stars, bell, small Santa figures everywhere. He slowly made his way towards them to help.

"Sweets, you are upp." His mom hugged the boy before sticking more stickers.
"Yeah, the tree boy is here." His dad chuckled while saying.
"Daddd." He whined.
You see, there's a tradition in their family. That Jisung will decorate the whole tree. And he has always did that as well. Not that he was complaining. It was pretty fun actually.

He slowly made his way towards a large box where all the necessary items for the decorations are in. There were different colours of fairy lights as well as the bells, a large pretty glittery wrapper, small round glittery rings, and small stars to a large star, and some gift boxes as well.

He thought it would be great to do the work after the breakfast, so he took a seat in the couch, analysing the works his parents were doing. His parents weren't in a best terms with their relatives. They were fine with that since their small family is tight knitted. Jisung was thankful that he don't have to attend any awkward family meeting as well as no need to bear anyone at home.

When the clock ticked a certain time, the whole family went into the dining hall. As expected, his mom had created a whole feast, there's still desserts for later. He happily munched on the first few bites and gradually it was getting plain. But hey, he still thanked his parents for the amazing breakfast.

After the breakfast, he started to work on the Christmas tree that was placed in the heart of the living room. The thing is, no one has really came to his home for Christmas, but still he always made sure the tree was looking pretty. Just by looking at it, he feels his heart at peace.

He dragged the large ladder carefully and started to hang the bells and small stars. It took pretty long, considering that the tree itself was a big one. He decorated one by one, taking his time with no rush. After putting everything on their designated place, he took out the large star. He stretched the ladder a bit towards up and finally placed it on the top with so much care. In short, he was satisfied with his work.

After that, he placed some cotton wools on the tree to make that snow effect, as well as under the tree. He placed some gifts, varying on their size, also there. And the tree absolutely looked perfect. After all the works, he switched on the fairy lights. Different shades illuminating from the tree was absolutely gorgeous. It was a straining work honestly. To move around a lot with the ladder. By the time he was finished, it was already time for lunch.

Lunch also wasn't much different from breakfast. He ate the food silently and thanked his parents yet again though they had always told him not to. But he really was grateful that the parents that adopted was them.

After the lunch, he went to his room. He had already packed the necessary stuffs for Chan's stay over. He had like nine gifts for everyone. Two of them belongs to his parents and the seven for the boys. He wasn't really up for the idea of giving Minho a gift. But still it was a Christmas courtesy so he felt like the need to.

He placed the seven of them in his bag carefully, and sneaked the two gifts under the tree without his parents noticing. He had always gave them gifts for Christmas in the same way. But each time, they never failed to make his parents tear up a bit.

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