Chapter - 19

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After their mini party, everyone stayed at Chan's home. They all stole his outfit for the next day to school. It felt like they belong to some gang 'cause they were all wearing something black.

Everyday was going like usual. The first semester exams starts next week and every students were getting ready for that. Jisung has a good memory, still he revised each and every notes.

Every day, the duo comes to his home for combine study. And hell, they agreed that Jisung teaches better than any teachers out there. He broke down the equations and other things into simple understanding way for them to understand. He made small important note materials for them to study and they were so grateful for that. They promised to buy him a whole damn cheesecake for his effort.

Now all Felix and Hyunjin has to do was just follow the material Jisung gave them. They didn't want to make his effort in vain, so they decided to study hard for the exam. Others were surprised at the dedication of the youngers because hell it was the first time they were actually studying so hard for something.

Ofcourse they do get good grades, just manageable ones. Even in during high-school, they have never really put an extreme effort to study. Just only studying some important points. So the others were surprised when the youngers went to straight home or find them studying at the library.

Chan, Minho and Changbin had their majored exam. They've been preparing for it since the time school started so they weren't really keen on practicing more.

Jisung was finished studying some more and was about to flop on bed when he noticed a blue sketch laying on the floor. He noticed that the container is now messed up in the order he arranged it. He instantly worked on arranging the way it was before.

His heart beating way too loudly while arranging each one in that specific order. Small sweats were forming in his forehead. When he finally finished with a satisfied hum, he noticed the small details of his room.

How there's a single wringle in his bed, how the floor mat is slightly tilted to a side, how one book in his self is a little to the outside, how there's a small grain of dust under his leg, how the neck pillow on the chair is upside down, how there is a key hanging on his wardrobe, how the lamp on the table is facing sideways.

His heart beat increased in a dangerous pace, his entire body shook at sight, cold sweat were forming in his body. His entire body itching so much that he wanted to tear himself apart. He felt so dirty when he felt the sweat gliding through his stomach. He immediately took off his shirt and took the third bath of the day.

He washed himself again and again until he felt satisfied. His parents were surprised to see him in the living room, taking the vacuum cleaner with him. They knew what he was up to so they decided not to question him. Not like he is gonna answer anything now anyway.

He kept cleaning every nook and corner of his room. Repeating the process for about four time until he was sure there wasn't any dirt. He changed the bedsheet and used a newly ironed one, carefully making his bed to make sure there are no more wrinkles.

He corrected the mat in his desired way, washing his hands afterwards because of the uncomfortableness. He changed the entire organization of the book shelf, keep changing their place and making sure it's perfectly placed. He placed the neck pillow back to its original position. He locked his wardrobe and put the key in his locker. After the whole work, he washed his hands again and flopped down on his bed with a contented smile.

He was always so keen on these stuffs. He never let it get extreme to this level. Maybe after all the hangouts and other things, he slightly forgot about that. It's possible? That I was distracted so much to the point that I completely forgot about these stuffs?

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