Chapter - 8

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Jisung woke up a bit unsettled. Woke up to the noise so unfamiliar to him. He knew it was not yet 6am but almost. He opened his eyes only to realize he was hugging a blonde next to him. He felt not so good about his own action. Hyunjin's alarm was ringing non stop and well the said person is...sleeping through it. Jisung slowly freed himself from Felix and went to the other side of the bed to turn off the alarm and trying to wake up Hyunjin in the process.

"Hyunjin wake up, you had set an alarm." He said shaking the boy.
"Five min...please." He said while tossing to the next side hugging the life out of a certain blonde next to him.
"I'll come again when it's 6." Jisung said and looked around.

It was 5:50 right now and his day usually starts at 6 and he didn't want to mess up his perfect daily schedule. So he took the notes they were making and decided to put them together even a bit in the meantime.

When it was 6, finally, all the nerves in his body waken up and the energy required for the rest of the day somehow was flowing in him.

He stood up to proceed his previous action.
"Wake up, it's six." He said shaking the boy again.
"Five moree minutes I swearrr." Hyunjin said sleepily. And Jisung isn't your talking-through-sleep guy.

He went and lift the curtain, turned off the AC, removed their blankets and turned on the lights. A true torture. It's not like they are waking up with any other methods anyway.

"You both better be on your two feets before I get off from the shower." He said while stepping into the shower.

When he stepped out, he was met with two zoned out humans beings that seemed like questioning their purpose of living.
"Take out any outfit you want and take a bath." He said while handling them the bath robe.

Felix stepped in first bringing a light blue sweater as well as an off white shorts that went a little below his knees.

Hyunjin took a red buttoned up sweater and a black straight fit jeans. And they started to do their hair while chit chatting.

"Dang, Jisung I envy your wardrobe." Hyunjin said while fixing his hair.
"Right Jinnie? No shit Sherlock, but I'm gon' keep this outfit, none can change my mind." Felix said all determined.
"Sure." Jisung said not really having any issues.
"Me me, what about me?" Hyunjin asked in a rush.
"You as well."
"You are an angel Jisung." Hyunjin said moving his hands in a weird way.
"Angel who came to help our poor ass." Felix said while wiping off his fake tears.

"We are staying here today too, yeah?" He asked.
"How about this? We'll finish our work on tomorrow and stay the night as well and leave Saturday morning and after we freshened up and all let's come here again, so Jisung will drive us to Chan's home?" Hyunjin said super focused.
"Omg, all hail to Jinnie's nonexistent brain cell. And Jisung are you okay with our stay here?" Felix asked immediately.
" worries, you can stay." He said pausing for a second.

"Boys, breakfast is ready." He heard his dad's voice. And they all made their way to the dining hall.

The usual silence embraced the table as no one uttered a word. When they were done, the duo(when I say duo, it's usually Hyunjin and Felix) thanked his parents and said goodbyes and went to college.

They would be lying if they said they didn't like Jisung's music taste. Without they realizing, they were slowly growing attached to his style. So they never objected when he played the song. But this time they were surprised by the music choice. It was Lovers Rock by TV Girls. It wasn't his usual melancholic-bittersweet-melodic music. It was rather romantic and sweet. And they were loving it.

"Have you ever been in love?" Felix who's sitting in the passenger seat blurted out. They made a decision to take turns to sit in the passenger seat.

Jisung blinked in a repetitive manner and stayed silent for a while, like he's thinking for what to say. And it's not like the duo expected an answer. But before Felix could say anything Jisung answered.

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