Chapter - 14

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His parents were frozen in their place for a good few seconds until his mom broke the silence.

"Jisung sweetie, how about we discuss that after dinner?" She asked slightly nervous. His father noticed the distress and hold her hands.
"Son, go and freshen up by then okay?" He glanced at Jisung who was playing with his clothe.
"Sure." He mumbled and went straight to his room.

As much as he wanted to sit there and think about this all over again, he didn't want to ruin the rest of the day as it is. He's already having  a hard time realizing how much he messed up his schedule. He took a deep breath and went to shower.

After the shower, he just layed down on the bed, waiting for his parents to call him for dinner.

"Honey, what should we do?" He mom asked while making the dinner and pacing around.
"Calm down love, it's about time we should let him know. We can't always hide in the shadows." His dad reassured while helping his wife.
"But what if he-"
"Everything will be fine, Jisung is a smart kid, he will understand." He said while giving a tight hug.
"Thank you honey." She mumbled while her husband just chuckled at her.
"Let's call him for dinner now." He said while breaking the hug.
"Yess, let's do this." She said while holding a fist in the air like a silly teenager.

"Jisung-ah, dinner is ready." His mom called out. He dragged himself from the bed and walked out to the dining hall.

The silence in the dining hall was extra thick today. After the dinner they all made their way to couch. He was about to take the opposite seat when his mom stopped him.

"Jisung, come over here." She said while patting the space between his parents. He blinked twice and slowly sat down between them.

"It's about time we should let you know sweetie." She said while caressing his hair. He just nodded silently, preparing for whatever she was gonna say. She glanced at her husband who just gave her a small nod.

"Well, to answer your question...yes, you are adopted." She started taking a deep breath.

"Your mother committed suicide when you were eight because of the intense domestic abuse from your father. He was filth rich so he could escape the prison. The court just let him leave, just like that. He seemed to abuse you alot. After your mother's death the abuse got worse. After an year, he got involved in an accident and was severely injured. Some polices found you in a small basement and took you out. They asked for any relatives to took you in. Chris was your family, but that time they were in Australia and they couldn't take care of another child. They were going through many personal distresses at that time. No others were willing to take you in either. So they did the paperworks for adoption. That time me and your father were married for two years and I couldn't conceive. So we decided to adopt a child. That's when we met you. Your eyes were dead and you looked like you were ready to die any moment. We got to know that your surname was also Han. Pretty coincidence yeah? You know what was the first thing you said to us?" His mom chuckled at the memory.
"You said 'you can take me in, if you accept me as a gay son' with that dead eyes of yours. We gladly took you in. After we took you in, you couldn't really answer anything we asked you about the past. So we took you to a psychologist. He said you were having a temporary amnesia because of the heavy trauma your brain went through, so simply, your mind was shut down. But he did said that the memories will return if the events related to past trigger you. So that's pretty much is the story." She finished while leaving a heavy sigh.

"So we wanted to know, what triggered you to ask us?" His mom asked gently.
"Well, something that happened at the hangout. It was about my eating habit and how he abused me when I didn't eat and all." He said, trying not to shake at the memory. His parents were quick to hug him.

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