Chapter - 12

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After the shower, everyone joined in the dining hall to the much awaited food. Everyone already taking place and ready to eat.

Jisung never understood the people who were dying over food. To him, it's simply an essential factor to keep him alive. Something for the survival of humans. He never enjoyed any food. He always find the need to finish them no matter, and to never skip his meals. His mind was forcing himself to eat and he never knew why.

The seating was like the as the first time they did in the Cafeteria. Felix and Hyunjin immediately placed themselves besides their crush meanwhile Jeongin placed himself beside Changbin. That ofcourse left Jisung with no choice but to sit beside Minho.

They decided to eat food first before having the drinks or they will be too wasted to eat. And since Chan is the unofficially-official-mom, he is keen about these things.

This time the silence was not really present as everyone was talking about this and that.

Jisung then again felt the uneasiness so much that he thought he might throw up. Sensing that he might actually do, he took the smallest bites and started to chew them carefully before swallowing. He could feel the anxiety pooling in his stomach. Everyone was almost finished when he was still not finished the half. And they were quite shocked because he used to finish before them.

Without Jisung knowing, he was unconsciously making small sounds while chewing which could only be heard to the ones beside him. Changbin who was on his left was engaged in a conversation between Jeongin and that left Minho on right.

For some reason, Minho was quite irritated with whatever the younger do. He felt himself annoyed when he heard the small sounds coming from the younger.

"Can you eat any slower? And stop making those noise for fuck's sake." Minho snapped.
The table became dead silent.
And that was all that took Jisung to break.

The chopstick in his hand fell on the ground because of the shivering of his hand. The entire group was frozen for a second.

Jisung thought he would die when the memories he never knew existed started to flood into his mind.


"Can you eat any slower? Even a sloth will eat faster than you." His father snapped at him.
"But dad, it's too much for me to eat." The three years old Jisung said while shivering.
"Just be grateful that you are getting food to eat, you spoiled brat." He yelled.
"Shut your mouth, do I have to starve you to make to realize the value of the food huh?"  His father hissed.
"Don't you dare to stand on your feet before you finish this all, make sure to give him seconds." He said to his mom who just nodded.
"I-I really am full." Young Jisung said while tears were threatening to spill.
"You are talking back now? Don't give him food for the next two days." He ordered to his mom and left the hall.

Two days later...

"Now you want to eat seconds huh, you good for nothing garbage?" His father yelled again.
"Stop making those noise or I'll pull out your tongue on my own." His father said giving a hard beating on his head.
Jisung flinched so hard, but he couldn't cry, he knew if he did, it'll get worse.

"Mom, I got first prize in the singing competition today." An excited Jisung said while stuffing his food into his mouth, unaware to the fact that his father has just arrived.
He dragged Jisung into the main hall and took out his belt.

"What was it fucking brat? Where did you learn your manners from? Didn't I told you to never talk while eating?" His father yelled louder than usual, beating him the belt faster and harder each time.
"Dad, y-you're hurting m-me." He said between his hard sobs.
"Shut your mouth you ungrateful brat. Bring the food." He ordered to his mom, who helplessly brought the food and handed him.

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