Chapter - 18

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"CONGRATULATIONS, MY BABIESSS." They saw Felix running towards him while screaming on top of his lungs, earning the startled stare of the students who were leaving.

"You guys were totally AMAZINGGG." He said while hugging the three of them despise them being all sweaty.

"Hehe thank you hyung." Jeongin said while showing off his whole teeth.
"Mahn, I should get my ears checked." Seungmin said while covering his ears earning a dramatic eye roll from Felix.
Jisung simply gave him a hug and a small smile. The other guys also circled them to congratulate them.

"In the honor this, we should throw a party." Chan said excitedly, earning positive cheers from others.
"TONIGHT." Felix said while jumping all over the place.
"Jisung, you are coming right?" Chan asked, worried about the younger. Even if Jisung is more social than before, he still avoid hangouts with others. Only accepts a few in Chan's home.

"It's just us right?" He asked.
"Maybe we should invite Beomgyu too, he was also worked hard with us so he do deserve it." Seungmin said.
"That's right hyung, we should definitely invite him." Jeongin added.
"You all discuss about the food and other things while I call him." Seungmin said while moving to a more silent area.
"You are still coming yeah?" Chan asked.
"Yeah sure." He said sighing.

"Guys, he said he's gonna bring his friends along, is it alright?" Seungmin asked, walking up to them.
"The more, the merrier." Changbin laughed.
"No drinks, since we have school tomorrow." Chan said while everyone groaned at that.

They all went into two cars, Jisung's and Changbin's. Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and Chan on Jisung's, and the rest in Changbin's.

While Felix and Hyunjin were arguing about who will use the passenger seat because they forgot who sat last time, Chan nonchalantly slipped past them and seated himself in the passenger seat leaving a dumbfounded duo behind.

"Calm down mate, you both might bicker about it for the rest of your lives." He said while covering his ears.
The duo just huffed at each other and hopped into the backseat.

"Jisung, play your perfect Playlist mahnn." Hyunjin whined. Jisung connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth speaker. Soon the soothing melody filled in the car. The beat immediately relaxing each and everyone. Jisung hummed along to the lyrics of You by Asal. Without a doubt his Playlist was becoming the duo's favorite thing now.

"How do you even find these songs? IT'S SAUR GOOD." Felix said while listening to Let Down by Radioheads.
"Sometimes I search, sometimes YouTube gives me suggestions." He said while focusing on the car.
"Whatever it is, I only know one thing, you have such a heavenly music taste." Felix said, Hyunjin equally agreeing with him. Jisung just smiled at that. Chan was dozing off next to him.

They saw the other car when they arrived at the place. The duo immediately took their leaves, leaving a now sleeping Chan in the passenger seat. Jisung gently shook him to wake him up. Chan slowly opened his eyes and realized the situation he is in.

"Oh God, I slept so good. You should really send me that Playlist of yours." He said yawning while exiting from the car. Jisung then safely parked it in the parking load and went inside with Chan.

The first thing he craved was a goddamn hot bath. He took some clothes from Chan's wardrobe and went to take his well deserved bath. He spend a good few seconds contemplating on using the shower and the bath tub and finally deciding on the latter. He wasn't in any form to stand up for so long.

He filled the tub with warm water. He poured some lotions and body gels into into and slowly sat down. As he sat there, it was as if all his tensed muscled were finally relaxing. A sense of relief washing over him. He felt happy at such simple things. He felt so amazing. He found himself dozing off so he slowly got up and cleaned his hair and changed into Chan's cloth.

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