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"Why was your teacher carrying you to her car and why didn't you come home that night? Is there something I need to know?"
   "Yes mom there's something you need to know. I am dating my teacher and I'm not ashamed of it."
   "Aria how do you not see how wrong your relationship is?" Her mom asked while slamming her hands on the table.
"Mom.. I love her. She was there for me when Ethan hurt me and when my friends became strangers and when Scarlett killed herself!"
"You aren't allowed to see her again aria. You are 17. What's the matter with you." Her mom got up and pushed the chair in.
   "You can't be serious. You know just because you're my mom, you shouldn't be able to contradict who I love. Even though you forbid me from seeing Billie... I'll still love her." Aria grabbed her bag and went straight to her room.
Incoming call from Melody 🎵

Hey Aria
Are you crying?

My mom found out about me and Billie.

What!? How?

After Scarlett's funeral I went back to the cemetery while my mom was away and Billie flew in from London to be with me but my mom had just gotten home that night and she saw me leaving with Billie.

Holy shit
Is she mad?
Are you still allowed to see her?

No but my moms words won't stop me
Nobody tried to stop her and my dad so she has no room to talk down on me and who I love.

You're right
I got to go though
I love you call me later

I love you too

Aria tossed herself on the bed and just angrily stared at the ceiling.
She didn't know what to do at this time.
All she knew was that if her mom loved her as much as she said, then she wouldn't be trying to control her relationships.
"Aria get down here." Her mom shouted at the bottom of the stairs.
There stood Billie in the doorway.
"Now you can talk." Miss Caudwell said as soon as Aria made an appearance.
"Ma'am. I am in love with your daughter and I know I'm just wasting my breath but it's better to be vocal about the things you want."
"Billie why are you here? It's only going to make things worse. You should go." Aria stopped her and tried to walk away but her mom stopped her.
    "Billie stay for dinner why don't you." She sighed, trying to understand her daughter.
  "Mom..." Aria started but when she saw the look in Billie's eyes she knew she couldn't just throw her out the moment her mom tried to except their relationship.   
    "I'll get started." Her mom said while walking away into the kitchen, leaving the pair alone in the living room.
    Billie didn't waste any time to rush up and hug Aria tightly.
    "It's going to be okay. Don't worry." Billie quietly said as Aria began crying again.
"Don't cry..." Billie whispered while stroking Arias hair.
"It's hard not to cry Billie."
"I know. I know." Billie cooed.
"Can you guys set the table? I'm making pasta." Arias mom said while walking into the living room where the two girls were standing.
"Yeah." Aria sniffled, wiping her eyes in the sleeves of her hoodie.

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