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When you've just saved the world and seen your best friend/boyfriend survive a bullet to the chest, it's a bit weird to walk down a run down street where a stray cat is fighting a rat for a chip and two hookers are sitting on the corner eyeing you.

In other terms: being home was odd.

The neighbors I've known for years calmly greet me as I walk past. No one knows that only days ago, I was one of the people risking their lives to stop a worldwide holocaust. To them, I was just the little girl with a big mouth and a bad temper. And that's okay. I now had two identities. On a normal day, I was Lottie O'Connor, your average young adult who grew up in a piss poor area with a dead mother and an abusive asshole for a father.

When the world needed me though, I was Agent Guinevere. While this other half of my life would remain a secret for the most part, some things in my regular life were going to change.

For one, where I lived.

You see, as a member of Kingsmen, your home is provided for you. Eggsy had decided to give his new apartment to his mum and sister. He would move into Harry's place instead. He didn't have anything he wanted to take from home that he couldn't fit in a backpack so it'd only taken a half hour for him to get his stuff and move out. I would be moving to my own place today. I stood in the doorway just looking at my room for a moment. A small sigh left my lips. I can't say that I'm going to miss it. Arms slid around my waist as warm lips pressed against my neck. "Are you just gonna keep lookin' at it or are we gonna start packing?" Eggsy teased continuing to press feather-light kisses along my neck.

"Keep doing that and we're never gonna get to packing," I snorted rolling my eyes.

He nuzzled into my neck smirking. "I'm not against that."

"I know you aren't."

We stood there for a bit longer before I finally pushed him off. "Alright, c'mon," I chuckled grabbing a box and going to my closet. He groaned playfully but then got a box and began to help. It took us nearly all day to pack everything I wanted to take with me. That was mostly because somebody kept getting distracted. But near mid-afternoon, we finished and had gotten everything into Eggsy's car.

"Last box?" I asked.

"Yep," Eggsy nodded.

I smiled and nodded. "Can I have a minute?"

"Sure." Eggsy nodded confused, but left anyway.

I spent a few minutes looking round the place, remembering, remembering when I had my amazing mother and a loving father, before my life went to shit.

But it was time to move on.  Taking a breath I said, "Goodbye Mum.... Fuck You Dad." I had a new life now and no one was going to take it from me.


When we finished setting up my place a few days later, there was just one last thing to do. I glanced over my reflection in the mirror. So much had changed in what felt like such a little amount of time. Eggsy had really wanted to play up the whole Kingsmen thing so it was into the bullet proof clothing and making sure every hair was in place.

"You ready?" Eggsy asked pausing in the doorway of my room.

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile, "Let's go scare some wannabe gangsters shitless."

He snorted. "I thought we were working on the language thing?"

"It's selective swearing," I hummed in response.

"That is not a thing."

"Is to."

"Is not."

"Is to." I said kissing him which quickly shut him up.


We arrived at the all to familiar pub we used to pass time at. Sure enough Dean and his boys were inside along with Eggsy's mum. Her eyes went wide as soon as she saw us and she tried to get up. Dean saw us though and grabbed her arm before she could. She looked fearfully at him then back at Eggsy. "Oi, you got some nerve pulling a stunt like that and just vanishin'," Dean growled at Eggsy.

"Eggsy, just leave," his mum tried to say.

"It's alright, Mum. I can handle this," Eggsy said with a soft smile, "I've been given this incredible opportunity. I have a job now at this tailor shop and it comes with a flat. I've got a place to stay so the flat is yours." He held up the keys. Her eyes were wide with shock. Dean looked red as a tomato now.

"She don't want that-"

"Let the lady speak for herself," I cut in walking over and offering her my hand, "C'mon, love." She took my hand slowly and stood up.

We walked to the other end of the bar, a safe distance away from them. Eggsy moved to the door. Dean shot to his feet, his fury clear. "What the 'ell do you think you're doing? Comin' up in here in yer fancy clothes, talking all posh with your stupid little whore," he roared.

A small smirk formed on Eggsy's face as his hand paused on the door knob. Instead of twisting it to open it, he simply turned the lock.






Dean's guys began to back up fearful looks on their faces. Dean didn't seem at all fazed, more confused than anything else. His mistake.

"Do you know what that means?" Eggsy asked cheekily.

I looked over at the bartender who looked equally shaky. "You might wanna hide?" I said smirking.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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