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I awoke to an annoying beeping noise, I opened my eyes only to shut them quickly as the bright lights above me hurt them and made my head hurt even more than it already did. "Lottie?" I heard a soft voice ask, my mind was groggy and I couldn't really make out who was speaking. I opened my eyes slowly this time, blinking and letting them adjust to the light before I finally saw who had spoken, Eggsy.

"Eggsy?" I said softly, Eggsy sat up in his chair, taking a hold of my hand, he looked like he hadn't slept in days and his eyes glistened with tears, I've never seen him this upset.

"Lottie I'm so sorry, I never should've left you like that, I....." Eggsy started but I cut him off.

"Where the fuck were you?" I asked, pulling my hand out of Eggsy's grasp, "How could you just leave me like that?"

"You'll find out soon and I had no choice, please forgive me Lottie, please, I'm so sorry" Eggsy told me as he reached over and gently grabbed my hand again, the tears in his eyes spilling over and dripping down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him, reaching up and gently wiping away the tears. Eggsy leaned forward placing his elbows on the bed and bringing my hand to his lips, gently kissing my knuckles, making me blush slightly. I could never admit this to anyone but I'd always had a slight crush on Eggsy, ever since we were children.

"You were out for 3 days, he cracked your skull, I thought I'd lost you Lottie" Eggsy told me, still gripping my hand.

"I'll never leave you Eggsy, who'd drag your drunk arse home from the pub when you decide to get shitfaced?" I joked, making him laugh.

"That's true" Eggsy mused as wiped away the remaining tears on his cheeks, I giggled.

"Who was that man at my flat?" I asked Eggsy, he just about to answer when a voice came from the doorway.

"That would be me". Eggsy and I turned to see the man from before standing in the door way holding an umbrella and dressed in a different suit than before. I was right, he was the guy that had given me and Eggsy our pins, he look older now slightly graying black hair in a slick style, brown eyes framed by odd looking glasses, and he seemed like he had a permanent look of seriousness on his face.

Eggsy stood up, still holding my hand, "Thanks again Harry" he told him, the man, apparently named Harry, nodded in his direction.

"Anytime Eggsy" he spoke, his voice gentlemen like.

"Who are you?" I asked Harry, sitting up slowly in bed as Eggsy sat back down in the chair and Harry pulled up another one beside him, taking a seat only after asking me if it was alright, this was probably the most polite man I've ever met in my life.

"I'm man who heard your call and saved you from the man you call your father" Harry told me.

I looked down and gripped Eggsy's hand slightly, then looked back up, "Thank you" I told him with a polite nod.

"You're welcome dear, and don't worry, he'll be locked up for a long time, he can't hurt you" Harry told me.

I smiled slightly and then turned to Eggsy. "So are you going to tell me where the fuck you've been?" I asked my best friend, he turned to Harry who stood from his seat.

"Why don't I get the doctor and Eggsy can tell you where he's been on the way home?"


After being checked out by the doctor and cleared to leave I left the hospital with Harry and Eggsy dressed in just the hospital gown and Eggsy's black and yellow jacket seeing as I had no other clothes to put on.

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