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Seventeen Years Later...

Lottie's POV

My hands flew across the steering wheel as I swerved to avoid the idiot that came flying out of nowhere and parked in the space I was headed toward. I parked right next to the car and got out slamming my door angrily.

"Watch out you fucking dickhead!" I hissed glaring at the guy who got out of the car.

"Who you think you're talking to?" the guy snapped getting out of his car. He was at least a foot taller than me but skinny as a pole. His friend got out of the car too looking pissed but I couldn't care less.

"What are you deaf or some shit? I know you fucking heard me. What makes you think that was okay you bellend?" I snapped back storming around my car to face him.

"I think you might wanna change your fucking tone," he growled lowly stalking towards me.

"Or what?"


Eggsy's POV

"Dude I can't believe she let's him push you around like that," Jamal scoffed shaking his head, "Why doesn't she just leave him?"

"I say it's an issue of self confidence. She doesn't get out because she doesn't think she can," Ryan stated.

"Oh now you're getting all philosophical on us, eh?" Jamal snorted.

"Wow that's a pretty big word. You sure you know what it means mate," I chuckled rolling my eyes.

"Like you'll do shit! Whatcha gonna do? Go crying to your mum that a little girl kicked your ass!"

We all paused at the sound of some chick shouting. I groaned recognising the voice immediately.

"Aye is that Lottie?" Ryan questioned frowning as we rounded the corner.

Sure enough, it was Lottie standing at her precise five foot two inch glaring up at two guys twice her size. One of them already had a decent sized bruise of his jaw which I suspected was from Lottie. Both Ryan and Jamal groaned rolling their eyes.

"What is it with her and picking fights with every damn body?" Jamal groaned.

"Hey you were the one who wanted a firecracker in the group," I snorted jogging over to where she was.

"Yeah a cute little firecracker with a nice arse, not a fucking time bomb!" he shouted after me. I laughed shaking my head.

Before she could take another swing, I grabbed her by the waist and threw her over my shoulder. "What the fucking hell do you think you're doing?!" she cried angrily hitting my back.

"Sorry about that fellas, we'll be going now," I said quickly walking off.

"Eggsy! I fucking swear! Put me the fuck down! UGH!" I snickered letting her tire herself out by slamming her fists into my back. It'd leave some pretty nasty bruises later but if it stopped her from starting another fight I was good with it.

As soon as we joined up with the boys, they started laughing at her annoyed look. I finally set her down earning myself a hard punch to the gut.

"Jeez, woman. Calm down," I groaned rubbing my stomach.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to play nice with others?" Ryan teased ruffling her hair.

"Oh shut up," she huffed crossing her arms over her chest. We all laughed at her and shook our heads. "Let's just get a drink or something, I'm pissed," she grumbled storming off. We laughed following after her.

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