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I agreed to become a Kingsman, I mean I had nothing else to lose right?

The last few weeks have consisted of training and nothing but that, I have been almost drowned, forced to run until my legs gave out, been forced to jump out of a plane, drugged, and almost run over by a train.

Eggsy's been working on a case with Harry and the other Kingsman that involves a man named Valentine whose been giving out free phones that have a SIM card in them that gives you free calls, texts, and even wifi.

There are now only two recruits left, myself and a snobby boy named James Worthington from Wales, it's taken everything I have not to kick him in the balls every day.

Today was our last task but we had no idea what it was going to be, I was instructed to get my dog they had given me and meet Harry in his study. My dog was a beautiful blue eyed Husky named Banks after Agent Cody Banks, a movie from when Eggsy and I were younger that we'd been quite fond of, he had given me the idea for the name and I thought it was perfect.

I met Harry in the study and he instructed me to sit down in the chair beside him, I did and Banks sat loyally next to me on the ground. "So Lottie, how has training been?" Harry asked, after weeks Harry had finally agreed to call me Lottie after I repeatedly told him I hated to be called Charlotte.

I smiled and sighed, "Definitely hard but I think it will be well worth it, I've learned so much" I told Harry

He smiled just slightly and nodded, "Good" Harry said and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a gun, pointing it straight at me. My eyes widened and I sat back in the chair, was he going to shoot me? Had I done something wrong? But Harry didn't shoot me, instead he flipped the gun around so that the muzzle was no longer facing me. "Take the gun" he instructed sternly, I nodded and took it, confused as to what I was supposed to do. "Now, shoot the dog" Harry told me, my eyes widened and brimmed with tears as I looked down at Banks who sat next to me, looking up at me with his innocent blue eyes.

"W-What?" I asked softly, looking over at Harry, hoping this was a joke, but by the look on his face, it definitely wasn't. "You want to be a Kingsman, shoot the dog" he told me, motioning to Banks. I stood up and shakily pointed the gun at Banks, willing myself to pull the trigger, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. I thought of Eggsy and his dog JB, he told me he'd gotten him during training, if he was instructed to shoot the dog too, how is it still alive? I sighed and turned my head, deciding to take the chance, I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger, a loud bang echoing through the office. I looked back towards Banks, only to see him still alive, a confused look on his face.

"Good job Lottie" Harry told me, taking the gun as I dropped to my knees next to Banks, hugging him tightly.

"Good boy" I said softly before standing up and taking his leash into my hands and turning to Harry.

"Welcome to the Kingsman, Guinevere" he told me.

I smiled at the new code name and shook his hand, "Thank you" I told him, he nodded in response.


After leaving Banks in my room I headed down the hall, looking for Eggsy to tell him the good news, I saw him at the end of the hall.

"Eggsy!" I called happily, he turned around, smiling. He was dressed in one of his new suits, it was black and pinstriped, and fit him rather well if I do say so myself. His hair was styled into the usual Kingsman style and he was also wearing the glasses that made my heart skip a beat whenever he wore them, also they made him look pretty hot.

I took off running down the hall towards Eggsy, "I made it in!" I told him as I ran into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck as his wound around my waist.

Eggsy spun me in a circle, "That's wonderful!" he told me with a smile, hugging me tightly and pecking my cheek, making me blush. "Welcome to the Kingsman" Eggsy told me, releasing me from the hug.

We started walking down the hallway and were met by one of the maids, "There will be a celebration dinner at 7, dress nice" she told us before leaving us alone again.

"So, excited to be a Kingsman?" Eggsy asked as we entered my room.

I nodded, "Very" I told him, the smile on my face getting wider and wider every second.

"May I?" Eggsy asked motioning to the bed, I nodded and he took a seat on the edge of it. Eggsy had definitely gotten some manners since being here, not that he already wasn't a good kid but now he was a perfect gentleman.

I sat next to Eggsy, resting his head on my shoulder, "I wonder if mum would be proud" I mused.

Eggsy put his arm around me, "She'd be more than proud love, trust me" he said, resting his head on top of mine.

"I hope, I just wish she was here to see it" I said softly as a few tears ran down my face.

Eggsy sighed softly and wiped away the tears from my cheeks as they fell, "I know Lottie, but I know she'd be proud of you, you're an amazing girl and you'll make an amazing Kingsman agent" Eggsy said comfortingly.

I lifted my head from his shoulder, "You think so?" I asked him, he smiled and my heart fluttered.

"I know so" he said softly. Our eyes met and Eggsy's hand moved from my shoulder to my face, he ran his thumb along my cheek gently, I could feel my face heating up. Eggsy started to lean forward and I did the same but a sudden knock at the door made us break apart swiftly.

I stood from the bed, clearing my throat, "Come in!" I called, the door opened revealing Harry, he held a long slim white zip up bag that I assumed held some type of clothing.

"Dinner's off, you two have a mission to do" Harry told me as he handed me the bag, "Get changed and meet me in the lobby, Eggsy come with me" Harry told us. I nodded and Eggsy shot me a smile before he left with Harry, shutting the door behind him.

I opened the bag to see that it held my custom made suit that I had gotten measured for at the tailor's about a week ago. It was a plain black suit with a jacket and trousers, the bag also contained a plain white blouse and pattern purple silk tie. I quickly changed into my suit along with some Oxford high heels and slipped on my glasses. I put my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed my umbrella/shield/gun and headed downstairs to the lobby where I found Eggsy and Harry waiting for me.

"Come with me" Harry told Eggsy and I, we nodded and followed him downstairs to where all the planes, helicopters, and cars were kept.

Eggsy leaned over to whisper in my ear as we walked, "You look pretty fit by the way" he told me, I blushed deeply and elbowed him lightly in the ribs, he only chuckled.

"It's rumored that Valentine is planning to kidnap the President of the United States, I need you two to stop him" Harry said as he led us over to a private jet, "Merlin will be there to help you" Harry added. Merlin was pretty much the tech wizard of the Kingsman, and I learned very early on to not touch his clipboard.

We bid Harry farewell and boarded the plane, Merlin was already on of course, looking up things on his computer, I sat in a chair across from Eggsy, looking out the window as a large platform raised us up out of the ground so we could take off. I started nervously bouncing my leg until I felt a hand on my knee, I looked over to see Eggsy smiling at me. "Nervous Lottie?" he asked.

I blushed and sighed, "My first mission is saving the President of the United States, what do you think?" I asked,

Eggsy laughed and leaned back in his chair, "You'll do great, don't worry about it too much" Eggsy told me, I nodded and turned to look out the window again.

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