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On the long flight to Washinton DC Eggsy and I napped and played cards. When we finally landed we took a car to the White House and once there we had to sneak inside. "Sources tell me Valentine already has agents inside, be careful you two" Merlin's voice said on our earpieces.

"Always are" Eggsy said as we made our way inside, guns drawn, ready to shoot, Eggsy had his umbrella as well, just in case.

We made our way down a few hallways before we suddenly heard the sound of guns cocking behind us, we turned around, ready to shoot. "Aw look, the Kingsman's got themselves a few kids workin for em" one of the men with a gun trained of Eggsy said.

"How cute" the other one laughed.

Before either one of them could speak again, Eggsy shot his gun, putting a bullet directly into the man's head that had first spoken. The other man fired at me but I managed to back flip, narrowly missing a bullet to the head. I easily shot the man in the heart and Eggsy and I made our way quickly down the other halls trying to locate the president. We fought with a few other men, Eggsy getting a long gash on his arm and bloody lip in the process, but he ignored it.

Soon we burst into the Oval Office, guns ready to shoot. A few men grabbed me but I kicked one in the balls and used my newly free hand to punch the other one hard in the gut, making them both groan and fall to the ground. A bullet whistled past my ear nearly hitting Eggsy in the gut as he jumped out of the way, I turned and fired, killing the man who had nearly shot my best friend.

The president sat in his chair, a gun held to his head, "Put the guns down or he gets it" the man holding a gun to the leader's head. We put down the guns but Eggsy held onto his umbrella, opening it and pulling me behind him. "Aw what are ya gonna do, beat me with an umbrella?" the man asked.

Eggsy smirked, "Exactly" he said, before switching the umbrella mode to shoot and shot the man straight between the eyes. The man fell to the ground, releasing his hold on the president.

I picked up my gun, "Come along Mr. President" I told him as I grabbed his arm. Eggsy and I quickly made our way back outside and to the plane, our first mission together was a success.


When we'd gotten back to London the president had been taken to a safe house where the rest of his family were waiting for him and Eggsy and I returned to the mansion only to be met with a grave looking Arthur in the lobby.

"What's wrong Arthur?" Eggsy asked.

"Galahad's been shot, it's not looking good, he's in a medically induced coma right now" Arthur told us, Eggsy nearly fell over at the news and we quickly headed to the small hospital in the mansion.

Harry lay in the bed hooked up to a bunch of tubes, a patch on his chest just above his heart, he really didn't look good. "H-he has to pull through" Eggsy said softly, sniffling and taking off his glasses, wiping at his eyes to try and stop the tears from falling. I wrapped my arms around Eggy's middle and pulled him into a hug, resting my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me, holding me in place.

"No matter what happens everything will be okay Eggsy" I reassured him.

He only nodded and pulled away from the hug, "I-I need to leave" he told me before heading out the door,

I decided to leave him be and be alone for a bit, I knew Harry was like a father to him and he probably hated seeing him like this. I stayed for a bit longer before heading to my room and changing out of my suit and taking a quick shower, I left my hair down to dry naturally and changed into a pair of light purple silk pajama pants and plain white tank top, I sat on my bed and grabbed the book on my nightstand that I had been reading, "History of the Kingsman" I'd found it in Harry's study and he let me borrow it.

A knock on my door a few minutes later interrupted my reading, I set the book down and climbed off the bed, walking over to the door and opening it, Eggsy stood there still dressed in his suit, his hair was a bit disheveled and his eyes were rimmed red. "Oh Eggsy" I said softly, pulling him into my room, making him sit on the edge of my bed. "You're still bleeding" I said, motioning to his arm and headed into my bathroom, wetting a towel and heading back into the bedroom. Eggsy was removing his jacket and I helped him with it, setting it on the bed next to him, "Shirt next" I instructed, Eggsy nodded and pulled off his white dress shirt. Fuck this boy was fit, but that is not what I was supposed to be concentrating on at the moment. I pressed the towel against his arm and he winced a bit, "Sorry" I muttered.

"S'okay" Eggsy muttered, looking away from me and at the fire that burned in the marble fireplace across from my bed. After stopping the bleeding I wrapped it with some gauze I'd found in the bathroom.

"There, all better" I told Eggsy looked over at me and shook his head.

"You didn't kiss it" he told me, a slight smile on his face.

"Really?" I asked him, crossing my arms across my chest, he nodded, holding out his arm to me. I rolled my eyes but walked over to him, leaning down and placing a light kiss onto his arm before standing up straight again in front of him on the bed, "Now is it better?" I asked him, he smiled and nodded.

Eggsy reached towards me and grabbed my hands, pulling me towards him so that I stood between his legs, he rested his head against my stomach, "You think he'll be okay?" Eggsy asked.

"Harry's tough, he'll fight through it, I know it" I told Eggsy, he nodded and looked up at me, I found myself getting lost in his green eyes. Eggsy smiled softly, gently pulling my arms down so that I leaned closer to him, he leaned up and I leaned down, a second later our lips met.

And you know that spark people talk about? I felt it.

"Come here" he muttered against my lips, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap so that I straddled him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, running a hand through his soft, blondish brown hair. The kiss deepened as Eggsy laid back onto the bed so that I was on top of him, his fingers moved away a bit of my tank top and gently dug into the skin of my sides, making me giggled slightly, he smiled into to kiss before pulling away to get some air. I gasped for air as Eggsy smiled, "You have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting to do that" Eggsy said as he captured my lips with his once more.

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