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A day later Eggsy and I were getting ready to board the plane, I was in my room getting dressed for the party. I took a quick shower and then changed into the dress I'd picked out, a black and champagne floor length gown with a jeweled belt around the waist. I slipped on a pair of black high heels and then fixed my hair, curling a few pieces to make it perfect, and then I put on a little foundation, black eyeliner and mascara, and a light pink lipstick. I also put on a diamond necklace that I'd found in the closet, it was quite beautiful and more expensive than anything I've ever owned. Once I was ready I headed back into my bedroom from the bathroom, Eggsy sat in a chair by the fireplace, dressed in his black pinstripe suit and other Kingsman apparel.

Eggsy's face brightened when he saw me and he stood, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, "I'll never get tired of seeing you in a sexy dress" he said, I giggled as he kissed my forehead and pulled a diamond ring from his pocket, "Here, put this on, it has a needle in it that injects poison into the person of your choosing" he said, making me laugh. I nodded and took the ring, slipping it on, it went pretty well with my outfit.

Eggsy and I headed downstairs and in a matter of minutes we were boarding the plane, I hoped we wouldn't be too late, because if we were, who knows how many innocent lives would be lost.


Only 4 hours later Eggsy, Merlin, and I landed in Valentine's mountain base. Before we stepped off the plane Merlin gave me a garter belt that held a gun. I hiked up my dress and slid it up my leg, when I looked up I noticed Eggsy staring, "Eyes up here love" I told him, his face turned red as I put my dress back down and smoothed it out.

"You have about an hour before all hell breaks loose, do not get distracted, or killed" Merlin said, chuckling at the last bit.

Eggsy stepped off the plane and I heard him talking to a few people, "Do you have any luggage sir?" a man that looked like a valet asked.

Eggsy turned around towards Merlin, "Congratulations Mycroft, you've just been promoted from my pilot to my valet" Eggsy said, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Cheeky little....." Merlin started but Eggsy cut him off.

"Understood? Good" Eggsy said, giving him a wink that made me melt.

"And where is my wife?" Eggsy asked just as I stepped beside Merlin.

"Your wife sir?" Merlin asked him, a confused look on his face, but he was trying not to show it.

I stepped into the entryway of the plane, "Ah, there you are darling, come along" Eggsy said, offering me his hand, I was just as confused as Merlin was. I took Eggsy's hand as I stepped off the plane.

"Follow me sir, and madame" the man said, giving me a polite nod, I gave him my best dazzling smile and he seemed to blush just slightly, making me giggle quietly while the man led us to a room filled with people.

I recognised a few from the papers, they were all very rich and very important, just what Valentine wanted. Eggsy and I grabbed a drink before we headed upstairs to find a computer so we could hack into the system for Merlin so he could stop the detonation of the phones. We found a man sitting at a booth, typing away on his computer, Eggsy and I approached him. "How did you get online, I can't?" Eggsy asked the man, the man chuckled as Eggsy went and stood next to him, quickly shooting an amnesia dart from his watch, knocking the man out. I sat across from Eggsy while he sat on the computer quickly plugging in a flash drive and hacking in for Merlin. "Great job kid" we heard Merlin say in our earpieces.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" we heard a voice ask, I looked up to see a snotty looking curly haired boy, Eggsy stood from the computer, removing the flash drive and slipping it into his pocket, I stood too, standing next to Eggsy.

"I'd ask you the same thing" Eggsy told him, shooting an icy glare at the snobby boy.

"My parents got invited, and I doubt you're here to just chat" the boy said, raising his fist but Eggsy got him first, punching him straight in the nose and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The room went silent and then suddenly guards were running after us, "Jump Lottie" he told me as he grabbed the railing, jumping down to the first floor of the room, I followed and landed lightly on my feet surprisingly, considering I was wearing heels.

Eggsy and I started to run and as we did I kicked off my heels and torn a slit into my dress so I could run faster and pulled the gun from its holster. "You know," Eggsy said as we ran "After this we should really have sex".

I just rolled my eyes, "You save the world, we can do whatever you want" I told him as I sent a few shots behind me, killing a few of the guards.

Soon we were surrounded, Eggsy and I stood back to back fighting off the ton of guards. "Merlin tell the guy to hurry up!" I said, the phones had been detonated and one of our men were currently up in space, trying to shoot down one of the satellites.

"He got it!" Merlin said into our earpieces just as Eggsy whipped out his umbrella and putting it in front of me as a hail of gun fire rained down on it.

"Thank fuck" I said breathlessly, but then something very strange happened, all the guard's heads around us started to explode, it was gross but pretty cool I had to admit. But I thought of all the people around the world that had gotten that chip put into their head, guess the US was going to have to find another president.

"Alright, I got Gazelle, you get Valentine" I told Eggsy and we headed into the room we'd first been in, he nodded and ran up to the second floor.

I saw Gazelle walking the other way, "Hey bitch!" I called, she turned around, a fire in her eyes, she ran toward me and I managed to flip out of the way of her deadly sharp legs. I shot at bullet at her head but she quickly moved out of the way, I jumped at her but she shoved me away and I landed on a table, crushing it in the process. Gazelle took the chance to bring down her blade on me but I rolled away and stood up, clicking the little button on my ring, making the needle shoot out. I waited till she got close, lunged, and dug the needle into her neck, she gasped and fell to the door, her skin slowly started to turn green, "Pay backs a bitch" I told her with a smirk. I smiled and turned around to see Valentine holding a gun that was pointed straight at Eggsy.

Time seemed to slow down as Valentine fired once and the bullet dug itself into Eggsy's chest, of course he'd picked today to wear the non bulletproof suit. I screamed as tears pricked my eyes and I ripped out of Gazelle's legs, aiming and throwing it, smirking just slightly as it went straight through Valentine and he collapsed.

And just like that, it was over.

I ran up to the second floor and into Valentine's little launching room, "Lottie, Lottie what's wrong?" I heard Merlin ask in my earpiece.

"Eggy's been shot" I choked out as I knelt down next to Eggsy, blood was staining his white shirt and suit jacket. I ripped a piece of my dress off and pressed it down on the wound, tears dripped down my cheeks.

"H-Hey don't cry" Eggsy said softly as a bit of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth,

"Don't leave me Eggsy please, I can't lose you too baby please" I begged. Eggsy's eyes drooped, "No, stay awake, please stay a fucking wake" I told Eggsy, pleading with him to stay alive.

"I love you." he managed to get out.

I smiled through my tears, "I love you too Eggsy, but don't say goodbye, you're going to be okay" I reassured him and tried to reassure myself just as Merlin came running in.

He helped me get him onto the plane and I held Eggsy close and pressed on his wound as we flew back to London, I prayed to god he'd make it, I'd lost everyone else I'd ever loved, I couldn't lose Eggsy too.

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