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January 1995...

Eggsy's POV

"What's all that noise?" Mum asked with a slight frown. I looked up from the puzzle Dad and I were working on. She walked over and looked out the window.

"Isn't that new family moving in today?" Dad asked standing up and following her.

I kept working on the puzzle trying to finish it as fast as I could. They kept talking for a little bit about the new neighbors. They were moving in a few doors down but the moving truck was very loud.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Mum went to answer it. "Oh hi there!" she said in a really happy voice, "Eggsy c'mere."

I frowned looking down at the half finished puzzle. I guess it could wait. She was talking to somebody when I walked over. "Eggsy, this is Lottie. She just moved down the street with her family," Mum said stepping to the side a little.

A tiny girl stood in the doorway. She had on a really bright pink coloured dress and had a big white bow in her hair.

"Lottie, this is my son Eggsy," Mum continued pointing to me, "Do you wanna come over and play for a little while?"

Lottie looked at me, then at my Mum, then down the street. Then she nodded slowly.

"Okay, well let's go ask your mum or dad if that's okay," Mum said reaching down for her hand.

"They'll say it's fine," Lottie instantly said. Mum looked surprised but nodded and let her in. I watched from the other side of the room as she looked around.

Finally she looked at me. She then smiled a really big smile that revealed she was missing a few teeth.


December 1997...

Lottie's POV

"Gimme!" Eggsy snapped holding out his hand.

"Nuh uh, it's mine," I frowned clutching the snow globe to my chest. He rolled his eyes still holding out his hand. I stubbornly stood up and walked away with the snow globe.

There was a knock on the door. "I got it!" I shouted walking to the door and opening it.

A really tall man in nice clothes stood there with an umbrella. He looked down at me with a slightly surprised look. I gasped feeling someone suddenly lift me up. "What did I say about opening the door?" Eggsy's mum said frowning.

"Wait for you," I sighed before looking back at the man, "Who're you?"

She turned to looking at him in surprise. "Yes, who are you?" she repeated my question with another frown.

"My name is Harry Hart ma'am. I'm here on account of your husband," he answered. I frowned confused as to what he meant. She instantly got pale and set me down.

"Why don't you and Eggsy go play for a little sweetie?" she suggested pushing me towards the living room. I did as she said still confused. Eggsy looked up as soon as I walked back in.

"Can you at least share?" he asked frowning.

"Here," I said handing it to him. I sat on the floor while he played with it and colored.

The two adults came in later and sat on the couch. I was only half listening. Eggsy's mum started crying. Then she shoved the man's hand away. I looked at the man curiously noticing something odd in his hand.

Finally he stood and walked over to us. I scooted closer to Eggsy frowning at the man. "Eggsy right?" he asked, "And Lottie?"

We both nodded.

"Eggsy, take care of your mum okay? Be good," he told him and put a cool looking pin in his hand. Eggsy nodded silently. I leaned over to see it better. It was really cool. "And Lottie, this is for you," the man said pulling out an identical pin. I looked at it in confusion, wondering why I was being given one to.

He then stood looking down at the two of us. "Watch out for each other alright? Always stick together and take care of each other. Protect each other no matter what," he said firmly before turning and leaving.

I looked over at Eggsy. He frowned looking down at his pin. Then he shrugged and went back to playing with the snow globe. I set my pin down before continuing to colour.

Meanwhile, Eggsy's mum sat on the sofa crying.

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