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I awoke the next morning and was pleasantly surprised to find Eggsy asleep next to me, his arm behind his head and his other hand resting on his bare stomach, he looked peaceful and quite adorable if I do say so myself. I was confused at first as to why he was in my bed but then blushed when I remembered the kiss we'd shared last night. I laid back down next to Eggsy, rest my head on his shoulder and pulling the blankets up farther on me, closing my eyes.

But soon my peaceful moment was interrupted my a soft knock on my bedroom door, it opened to reveal Merlin, "Lottie, Arthur has requested...." he started but stopped abruptly when he saw that I was not the only one in my bed. "Oh um" he stuttered.

I giggled and shook Eggsy awake, he sat up quickly, "Wha? What is it?" he asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Just Merlin, you were saying?" I asked, turning back to the bespectacled man.

"Arthur requests your presence in the dining room, breakfast is ready" Merlin told us before quickly leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

I felt arms wrap around my waist as Eggsy pulled me to him so that I sat between his legs and my back was against his chest, "I think we startled Merlin" he told me with a chuckle, placing a soft kiss to my shoulder.

I relaxed against Eggsy, turning my head so look at him, "Seems so" I said before kissing him, he kissed back and then pulled away, kissing my forehead before getting up from the bed.

"See you at breakfast" he told me with a wink, grabbing his shirt, jacket, and pulling his pants back on before leaving the room. I sighed and laid back in bed for moment, the ridiculous smile on my face never leaving as I got up and took a quick shower.

After my shower I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a sleeveless peach top, a cream jacket and black heels. I put on a bit of foundation, black eyeliner and mascara, and a light peach colored lipstick. I left my hair down in soft waves and slipped my mum's neckless around my neck before leaving the room and heading downstairs to the dining hall.

Eggsy, Merlin, and Arthur were already sitting and eating what looked to be some type of porridge. The cook served me when I sat down and I thanked them and began to eat. "How's Harry doing?" I asked as I swallowed a bite of food

"He's stable but the doctor still does not know when he will wake up" Arthur answered, I nodded, taking a sip of juice.

Eggsy picked at his food, a stressed look on his face. "Excuse me" Eggsy suddenly said, standing up and throwing his napkin down on the table before quickly leaving the room.

Merlin started to stand but I held up a held to stop him, "I got it" I told him with a small smile before excusing myself and leaving the dining room.

I walked down a few hallways before I found Eggsy. He was sitting against the wall of an empty hallway, his head in his hands. I didn't say anything, instead I just slid down against the wall to sit next to him. "You okay love?" I asked softly.

Eggsy shook his head, looking up at me. "What if Harry doesn't make it? He's the only thing I have that's even close to a dad" Eggsy said as a took one of his larger hands in my small ones, running my thumb over his knuckles soothingly.

"He'll be okay Eggsy, he's stable, he'll wake up." I said gently, "He's tough, and he wouldn't just leave you behind like that"

Eggsy sighed but nodded. "You're right" he told me, standing up from the floor and held out of his hand, I took and he pulled me up with ease. I turned to walk back down the hall but Eggsy grabbed my hand, spinning me around and pulling me to him, he pecked my lips, "Has anyone ever told you you're amazing" he asked.

"Possibly" I told him flirtingly.

He smirked, "Well, they're right" he told me as we started walking down the hallway, for the the first time in a while, even though life wasn't exactly perfect right now I felt content and for the first time in a long time, I was happy.


It's been a week since Eggsy and I first kissed and we'd officially begun dating, Harry was still in the hospital and still doing good, but he has yet to wake up.

We were sitting at lunch one afternoon when Merlin burst through the door, "He's awake!" he said, a smile on his face. Eggsy and I jumped up from the table and quickly followed Merlin downstairs to the small hospital where Harry was being kept.

When Eggsy and I entered the small hospital room we saw that Harry was already sitting up in bed. Over the last week Harry's hair had grown a bit and he had a beard, he definitely looked different from the first/second time I'd met him, but all I really cared about now was that he was alive and awake.

He smiled a bit when he saw us. "So, how was your mission?" was the first thing he asked.

Eggsy chuckled and sat on the edge of his bed, "It went great, Lottie did amazing considering it was her first mission, she's badass" Eggsy said, sending a wink in my direction, causing me to blush slightly.

We talked with Harry for while and some how the subject of how Merlin had found Eggsy and I sleeping together the morning after we'd kissed. "Well I hope you used protection" Harry said and I nearly choked on the water I was drinking, Eggsy just stared at him, wide eyed.

"I-It wasn't like that" I insisted, I could feel my face getting hot, I probably looked like a tomato.

Harry only chuckled, "Don't worry, happens all the time" he said, causing my blush to deepen and Eggsy to laugh.

"You've got to tell me more about that sometime" Eggsy said while still laughing, Harry smiled softly.

"Hate to break up your little reunion but we've got a problem, Valentine is almost ready to detonate all those phones that people all over the world bought. It seems he's having a party at his mountain base hideout and you two are going to be invited" Merlin told us.

I nodded and Eggsy turned to me, "What do ya say love, in the mood for saving the world?"

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