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January 2035


Ella had never been so excited to have prefect duty. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she turned onto the main academic corridor, passing her dad's classroom. She headed right for the spiral staircase that led up to the choir room and found Logan already there, sitting about three steps up.

"Fancy running into you here," he said, and he smiled this easy, friendly smile that made Ella's insides feel all gooey.

"Total coincidence," she said, pressing her lips together. She had to look down at her shoes, she was smiling so much.

For a few seconds, neither of them knew what to say. They really hadn't spent much time together one on one. Just those few visits in the hospital wing, all of which had been easy enough because Ella could just ask how he was feeling and update him on what was going on in classes that week and then there had been that one time she'd run into him here by mistake.

But Logan, luckily, was not the sort of person who would let an awkward silence go for too long. "So, do I get to hear my composition performed by a master or what?"

Ella started up the stairs and he stood up when she reached her. "I think you'll be impressed by yourself," she told him.

The choir room was completely dark. The sun set so early this time of year. Ella flicked on the light and headed straight for the piano. She lifted the dust cover, and took a seat on the bench. Without prompting, Logan came and sat down beside her. He was very close. She could feel the heat rushing to the back of her neck, but she willed it away, put her fingers on the keys.

"Are you ready?" she asked. "Are you prepared for this?"

Logan laughed, a real genuine laugh, even though she hadn't really been that funny.

"Born ready."

So Ella played through his little song. It was only a few lines long. She turned to him when she'd finished and he was frowning deeply.

"God, I need to study music theory or something."

"I mean some of the chords were interesting," Ella admitted. "But it's not so bad really. For making it up on the train."

"Play it again."

So Ella played it another time, and then a third, and his face seemed to be going through the whole spectrum of emotions each time she turned back to him. Finally, after a fourth run through, he said, "Well, now I've gotta redeem myself. I'll write you a better one. I don't know when it'll be ready, but just prepare yourself, because it's gonna blow your mind."

Ella laughed. "I can't wait," she said quietly. She made herself look at him even though she was pretty sure she was blushing again. Logan smiled as soon as they made eye contact.

They stayed up in the choir room for twenty minutes or so and Ella taught him to play an old kid's song, "Three Little Wizards" which was one of the first little tunes kids were usually taught to play in their early piano lessons. She wanted to stay up there talking, wanted to stay sitting next to him, but she knew she'd get in trouble if she didn't actually patrol the halls some.

She thought Logan would go then, but he said, "Am I allowed to tag along? I'll be your sidekick."

"Sure," Ella said. "You can."

They headed back down the stairs and walked slowly down the corridor.

Logan scanned the walls as they walked. "It's kind of nice not being in a hurry to get somewhere," he said. "I never get to look at any of these paintings. Like who do you think this lady was? She's got a sick hat."

"You could ask me, you know," said the portrait haughtily.

Ella barely held back her laughter.

"Oh, pardon me," said Logan seriously. "May I ask your name?"

"Joan Hawkins," she said, lifting her chin. "First female member of the Wizengamot."

"Oh wow," Ella said. "That's very impressive."

"Yes," agreed Joan. "It is."

They chatted with her for a while, and she was actually a very interesting person, but they moved on eventually, each of them perusing the portraits now. They stopped every so often to talk to one or just to comment on the scene. It felt so easy to talk to him. Ella felt like she could make observations without judgment, like she could say things without really thinking about them first. He listened to what she said and really held a conversation with her. Some boys, she had noticed, didn't really talk to you. They just sort of talked around you. But Logan didn't do that. He seemed very engaged. He even seemed to think she was funny, which Ella wasn't used to. Juni was the one who always got people laughing.

When her shift was nearly up and curfew was minutes away, Logan said he had better run down to the dungeons before he got in trouble for being out and about late, and Ella wished he didn't have to go. She wasn't at all ready to stop talking to him. She'd have been content to meander up and down the corridors for hours and hours.

At the end of the hall in front of the marble staircase, he turned to her and said, "Can I tag along next Thursday or will it get old if I'm always bugging you?"

"You're not bugging me," she said. "Any time you want. You know where to find me."

He smiled. Ella smiled back, noticing the way it had gotten easier, already, to look at him. She didn't think she was even blushing.

Logan stepped towards her and hugged her then. Ella couldn't decide if she'd expected it or not, but she was glad he couldn't see how much she was smiling. His hand lingered on her back for a second after he let go.

"See you later, Ella," he said.

"See you later," she agreed, barely keeping her smile under control.

He smiled and turned to go. She watched her walk down the marble staircase until he turned to head further down in the dungeon, then she started to head back towards the staff room to check in before she headed to bed herself, smiling all the way.

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