Truth Seekers

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In a dark room, five monitors played. The first showed Blitzo and Moxxie outside Martha's house, Moxxie then pushing Blitzo's gun causing him to shoot in the wrong direction. The second monitor was footage of Skoll killing the bear in the woods. The next one was footage of Millie coming out of the ocean after killing the fish monster during the challenge with Verosika, the third was Millie and Moxxie French-kissing while swinging on a rope when they killed Lyle Lipton, and the fourth showed a shot of horses, which then zoomed in past them onto Blitzo, who was choking on the boba pearls of his drink. A white man in a black and red suit with shades on then pointed at the screen with Blitzo.

"Right here! This was the first sighting!" the man, Agent One, shouted.

A black woman in similar clothing and sunglasses appeared beside the man, "They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people. But, why?"

"They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!"

A loud clattering noise was heard from outside, followed by the snarl of an angry cat. The two agents immediately glanced over to a barred-up window obscured by heavily damaged blinds. The agents then saw the source of all the comotion, it was Blitzo who stood on a box and a dumpster while holding the lid open. He looked around suspiciously.

The woman, Agent Two smiled at the sight, "Ah, well... that's convenient."

Blitzo turned to his fellow imps and Skoll and shushed them, "Remember, we can't be seen!" he then loudly slammed the dumpster lid and fell down, Millie and the Hellhound chuckled and walked away.

"Pardon my words, sir," Moxxie said. "But you're currently being the loudest."

The tall imp jabbed his finger into Moxxie's face while covered in trash, "I said shush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie!"

Moxxie stepped away from his boss for a short moment, visibly disgusted by the trash on Blitzo. He noticed a portal opening behind him, Loona stepped out from Hell and approached her boyfriend while Millie jumped into it, waving to Moxxie.

"Hey," she said to Skoll.

"Hi." he replied in an awkward voice.

A few days had passed since the Harvest Moon Festival and the couple were still at odds. They hadn't continued their conversation from the festival or had even seen each other outside of work. Both wanted to fix things, but both of them felt they pushed too far before and were unsure if they could be forgiven.

"Loona, I–"

Moxxie was walking towards the portal but was suddenly tackled to the ground by Blitzo, barely missing a net that was shot their way. It flew forward and Loona pushed Skoll and the grimoire into the portal, allowing herself to get caught by the humans.

"Loona!" Blitzo shouted, he saw the agents move towards and turned to Skoll. "Skoll, close it!"

"Wait, no!"

"She's right, we can take these fuckers!"

"Just do it!" Loona shouted. "We can't risk them getting to Hell!"

Reluctantly, Skoll closed the portal, trapping his comrades and girlfriend in the living world. Moxxie, seeing the portal close, became distraught at first but quickly shifted to anger, pulling out a pistol in an attempt to fight off the two agents while Blitzo rushed to his daughter. He jumped off a wooden pallet to dodge both a tranquilizer dart and a capture net and prepared to fire. However, the white-haired imp was hit in the neck from behind by a tranquilizer dart. Moxxie stumbled, mumbling incoherently, then fell to the ground. Loona was freed from the net and she and her father rushed to their friend.

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