Murder Family

163 19 12

(A/N: After counting the votes, I'll be going with option 1 for Skoll's sister. Thank you to everyone who gave their opinions. Now let's get on with the chapter)


"I was a good person, before it all went down... I was good my entire life."

Inside a red school house, birds flew in the background. "Learning is fun" was written on the side of the building, there were trees and a playground outside. A bell on the roof rang and a blonde woman with glasses, Mrs. Mayberry opens the classroom curtains, revealing two birds singing on a tree branch. Inside the classroom, Mrs. Mayberry wrote "Good morning!" on the blackboard.

"Good morning!" Mrs. Mayberry greeted the class. She spun around and played with the piece of chalk in her hand. "I hope you all did your homework!"

Several smiling students nodded in a dance at their desks. A brown-haired boy wearing a dunce cap spun on a stool and faced the wall.

Class: 🎵We love to do our homework, and we love our teacher, too!🎵

Mrs. Mayberry: 🎵Then, when I throw out these fun questions,

you should know just what to do!🎵

Class: 🎵Okay!🎵

Mrs. Mayberry: 🎵Two plus six is...🎵

Class: 🎵Eight!🎵

Mrs. Mayberry: 🎵And good behaviour is...🎵

Class: 🎵Great!🎵

Mrs. Mayberry: 🎵And now, it's that part of the class

when we say the time of day and date!🎵

Blonde boy: 🎵It's nine in the morning...🎵

Girl 1: 🎵On January 8th!🎵

Girl 2: 🎵The sun is out smiling!🎵

Dunce boy: 🎵And it's your husband's birthday!🎵

The class sang 'la la la' while Mrs. Mayberry faced the board. She dragged her piece of chalk in a line on the board, the piece was almost gone. Her face was beaded with sweat and her eyes twitched.

"Oh my stars! Stop singing, children! Hush up, now!" the class then went completely silent. "I forgot it's my husband's birthday! I didn't get him anything special!"

"Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!" a brown-haired girl suggested.

At the teacher's home, her husband was currently sleeping with another woman, both giggling and muttering while having sex. The computer was on and a contact called 'Wifey' appeared. An unused condom hit the screen and accepted the video call as Mrs. Mayberry's face appeared from the other, while the sound of a squeaking bed was heard. Back in the classroom, her face turned red with anger and then shock as she stared in bewilderment. The children stood behind her with concerned, fearful looks. Mrs. Mayberry's face was blank as she stood up and walked to the door. The same brown-haired girl stood in front of her with a smile.

"Wait! Mrs. Mayberry! Remember what you taught us? Think before you act."

Mrs. Mayberry grabbed the girl by the neck and threw her into the ceiling. The child fell back down and watched with her classmates as their teacher left the school and drove through the picket fence, back to her house. They retreated to the computer screen to see what would happen.

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