Exes and Oohs

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The day after Hati's trip to Earth, the brown and white Hellhound paced around her suite trying to process everything in her head. She wasn't sure how she felt, she did deeply care about Molech but now she felt enamoured just thinking about Octavia. Her heart was fluttering for the both of them. Thankfully it was the weekend so she could gather her thoughts before talking to either of them at school. The hotel residents were noticing her unusual state, most chalked it up to nerves about what happened, but Ramiel, Charlie, and Skoll could tell something was off. While her brother was at work, Ramiel decided to talk to his new daughter.

"Hati, I'm both respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your adopted father by coming in anyway." he then burst through the door, using Angel Dust as a battering ram before throwing the demon back over his head.

"Fuck you!" the spider demon shouted as he collided with the floor before walking off.

"I get the feeling that something's wrong and I was wondering if you wanted to talk about it."

"Uh– No, I'm f–fine."

"Are you sure?" Ramiel walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. "You know I'm here for you."

Hati took a deep breath. "I kissed Octavia y–yesterday! I didn't e–even know she felt that way, or th–that I liked girls! I mean, I've found girls a–attractive before but I didn't t–think it was li-like this! Now whenever I think of her, I–I get so confused! B–But I'm al–also thinking of M–Molech! He was the f–first person I've e–ever l–liked and he s–still means so m–much to me! I'm not sure who I like or w–what I feel... What should I do?"

Ramiel was silent. He was over seven hundred years old, and he had spent over five hundred years as the Judge of Souls, the angel who would determine if a soul went to Heaven or Hell. Such a duty was difficult and he felt great regret and guilt from his work, having sent souls to die in Exterminations. To perform his work he needed wisdom beyond any mortal creature, something he had in spades. But there was only one thing he could do when dealing with the complex emotions of a teenage girl.

"Charlie!" he shouted.


At the I.M.P office, Skoll was with Loona at her desk to discuss the upcoming dinner with Skoll's family. The dinner at this point was just for the royal couple to get to know Loona, she was already liked by them after the situation with Hati. As of now, they were debating on whether or not they should invite Blitzo given his past confrontations with Ramiel.

"I say we bring Blitzo along, Charlie hasn't had the chance to properly meet him and hopefully he can talk things out with Ramiel."

"You've been around him long enough to know that probably won't happen." Loona argued. "Odds are he'll just try to start shit with your mom too. Besides, I don't need him dragging me down."

"What do you mean?"

"They like me now... but I need to solidify my relationship with your parents before that changes."

"They know you helped Hati in the adoption center and it's because of you and Charlie that we found her. I'd say that's a solid enough relationship."

Loona smiled and wagged her tail a little, "I know, but I just want them to get to know me better before we try and make them friends with Blitzo."

"Alright, that's fair. So, the hotel still good for you?"

"Anywhere is fine. But it would be interesting to see this place, after how much you've hyped it up."

"They added all the cool shit when I moved out a few months ago."

As the couple spoke, Moxxie walked up to Loona with a proud look on his face. Meanwhile, the goth Hellhound looked annoyed that she and her boyfriend were being interrupted. Skoll was mostly indifferent, he and Moxxie always had an unspoken respect.

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