Fenris and Feelings

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Skoll prepared all his gear for the journey ahead. The Realm of Fenris was a massive area in Gluttony that spanned seven massive mega cities and was governed by one clan. A clan heavily involved with the Hellhound population and the protection of Hell. Skoll wasn't sure what to expect from this trip but he was still going. Loona was with him in his suite as he made his final preparations.

"This trip will probably last a few days. I'll call when I get there."

"And you'll call every day so I know you're safe."

"I will. Can I have a kiss for luck?"

Loona smirked, "Last night wasn't enough?" she joked as the two kissed. "Please be safe."

"I will."

Skoll left his room and made his way down to the lobby, where he found his family waiting for him. They all looked worried for his safety, even Ramiel despite the argument the two had when Loona came for dinner. Charlie tried to talk him out of his plan as well, but she too failed to deter Skoll. Hati raced forward and hugged her brother, she was too stressed by everything and didn't want Skoll to go.

"Pl–Please stay!" she begged. "I don't want anything to happen!"

Skoll set down his weapons and hugged back, "I'll be fine, I won't waste time on this. As soon as I can, I'll kill this Ulfbjorn guy."

Hati wanted to voice her concerns, she hadn't told anyone yet but her stalker was beginning to become more aggressive. He had taken to using more forms of media to try and get to Hati and whenever she'd block him, he would come back with a different account. The stalker was threatening her and asserting they were in love while sending more pictures of her. Now, Ramiel and Charlie were adamant she be with someone she trusted whenever she was outside and to always keep her weapons on her as her combat skills could end up saving her life. But with everything going on with Skoll and her relationship troubles, she was unsure how to talk about it.

"Please come back soon," the brown and white Hellhound whispered.

"I promise."

Upon letting go of his sister, he was embraced once more by Charlie. "Be safe, don't be reckless, and call us." she emphasized the last part, knowing Skoll has a history of being out of contact.

"I will." he hugged back and then turned to his master. "I'll be back soon."

Ramiel nodded, "I pray that you find peace from this. God be with you."

Skoll nodded and left the hotel, putting all his weapons away and setting off on his motorcycle. Ramiel sighed and went back up the stairs, knowing this would not end well for the Hellhound. Charlie followed her fiance and hati was close behind. The Hellhound shook her head and went to her room, having some time before she needed to leave for the Morningstar Academy. On her way, she heard a buzz from her phone and let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just Molech. Hati spoke to him and Octavia about everything and they all agreed that Hati would go on a date with each of them before deciding on anything. A school fair was happening today and Molech took the opportunity to schedule a date with the girl, who was also going to attempt her first performance without her medication at the fair. Her stutter was drastically better and she could even control it or suppress it now. Charlie's sessions helped give the girl some much needed confidence. She still suffered from her phobias but now she had gotten used to handling panic attacks without her pills, so she wanted to try performing without them. It helped that small performances for the hotel patrons were going well. Her good mood was ruined when an unknown number messaged her.

???: Why have you been ignoring me?

I just want to see you

Hati sighed and immediately blocked the number. Behind her, the shadows moved to reveal Alastor with an intrigued look on his face.

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