Dinner at the Hotel

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(A/N: This chapter will be a bit shorter since I've been a little busy and will still be busy for the next few days.)

Loona nervously stood in front of the mirror of her room, she had on a stunning black dress that went down till just above her knees. It was easily her most expensive outfit but she had to look perfect for tonight. There was also some jewelry as well, a gold necklace with a black gem and two small black earrings on both her ears. She was having dinner with Skoll's family for the first time and she wanted to make a good impression. Ramiel had already met her a few times and both parents were aware of her past with Hati but she wanted to make sure both parents liked her. Needless to say, having dinner with the Princess of Hell and a Fallen Angel was a daunting idea, but Skoll's constant reassurance helped.

"Loonie! Skoll's here!" Blitzo shouted.

"I'm coming!" the goth Hellhound took a deep breath and left her room.

Skoll was waiting by the entrance with a nice pair of black pants, a grey buttoned shirt and a white tie. He had a wine bottle in his hand and he looked his girlfriend up and down; an affectionate smile came upon his face.

"You look perfect."

"Thanks, you look handsome. Should we get going?"

"Of course. I'll see you later, Blitzo."

"I'll see you at eleven o'clock when you drop her off!" the imp shouted.

"Shut up, Blitzo!" Loona shouted as she and Skoll left the apartment.

"Yeah, good thing he's not coming." the white and red Hellhound commented.

"See? Imagine that at the dinner table."

Skoll groaned and the two drove off to the hotel. It was an uneventful ride and Loona spent the entire time practicing what she would say to her boyfriend's parents. Neither seemed to realize Blitzo following from a distance in the I.M.P van with a smug look on his face and a video camera in the passenger seat.

"This will be fun." the imp smiled.

Once the two reached the hotel, Loona looked in awe at the sheer size and majesty of the building. She turned to Skoll and asked for the picture he showed her of how it was before the final Extermination. The changes and upgrades were spectacular to say the least.

"You weren't kidding... they really added some cool shit." she muttered.

"Yeah... all the rooms are soundproof too." Skoll added, causing Loona to smirk. "Thank God for that."

"We do make a lot of noise."

"No. I meant for my parents." he shuddered. "In the old hotel... I heard everything. I think it may have affected me."

"And I ask this knowing I might not get laid tonight... how?"

Skoll gave her a deadpanned look, "Like father, like son."

Loona raised an eyebrow but realized what he was saying. "Damn..."

"Yeah... you ready, pound hound?"

With a small smile the goth Hellhound replied, "Let's do this, hotshot."

They made their way to the door and Loona hesitantly knocked on it. An excited voice was heard from inside followed by rapid footsteps. The door was found open by Charlie, who had an ecstatic and welcoming smile on her gentle face. She was wearing a nice red dress that went all the way to the ankles, but left some breathing room for the princess to move around. She had a gold and red necklace and a pair of diamond earrings, along with her expensive engagement ring.

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