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It was late at night and outside of Loona's apartment building, Skoll was just dropping her off after another date. It was fun and both had a good time, which was really all they could ask for.

"Thanks for tonight, I had a great time." Loona commented.

"It was fun, that dancing game was bullshit though."

"You lost fair and square. Same time next week?"

"Count on it."

The two kissed and Loona went back into her home with a happy smile.


Two weeks later, the grey and white Hellhound sat in her chair and spun around in it. She rubbed a hand down her wolf-like face and checked the time, Skoll was supposed to pick her up over two hours ago. Thankfully Blitzo was out, otherwise he likely would have wondered why his daughter was so dressed up and still at home. She opened her phone and checked her text messages.

Loona: Hey, you still coming for our date?

She had sent that message about two hours before her date was supposed to start. There was no reply.

Loona: Hey Skoll, it's been thirty minutes, is everything ok?

There was still no reply. She had sent similar messages every now and then but there was still no reply, she let out a sigh and decided that he wasn't coming. So Loona changed into something more comfortable and went to bed soon after. In her mind were thoughts about what had happened. To make matters worse, this wasn't the first time this had happened. The couple had been official for close to two months and Skoll had been missing quite a few dates. She wondered once more about what her relationship was, Skoll's recent tardiness didn't help ease her insecurities. Whenever those doubts started getting out of control, he would do something genuine, something sweet and romantic, he'd be there for her and make all the doubts go away by planning a date. Loona wasn't even sure she could be upset, for all she knew Skoll was hurt and needed to rest, and his search for Hati seemed to be going somewhere and she didn't want to seem like a bother. But, she couldn't help it, she was worried for Skoll's safety and now she was getting worried about their relationship. It didn't help that Skoll was private about his mission, giving as few details as possible.

Meanwhile, in Pentagram City, Skoll had just cleared out three of Nathan Nash's hideouts. It was an intense fight, the sinners he hired for protection were equipped with Angelic steel and had quite a few souls under their belt. He even had to fight an Overlord at the last location, a rabbit demon who controlled fire as well. In the end, it took Skoll two hours to clear out three different locations across Pentagram City. Surrounded by dead demons, he checked his phone which he had turned off to avoid distractions. Upon seeing the messages, the colour drained from his face.

"Shit..." he muttered as he read all his girlfriend's worried texts.

Skoll: Hey

I know I forgot our date, and I know I fucked up.

I'm really sorry, I got busy with searching and was in a tough fight.

I promise I'll make it up to you.

He saw that the text was read immediately but there was no reply. Skoll sighed and put his phone away. It was one date to him, he could make up for it later, but his search couldn't wait. It was already getting frustrating, he'd search five heavily-guarded locations to no success, and each time security was getting tougher. But if Nathan was scared enough to hire an Overlord, he had to be close. This was it, he could feel it in his bones, he'd find his sister first, anything else wasn't a priority.

Helluva Boss: Sunshine and MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now