Hazel and Jacob: Dynamic Check!

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Hazel trudged into the commons and melted into the arms of the first person he saw. "Hold me. I need to be held."

Jacob raised his eyebrows but smiled bashfully and tugged him to the couch. "It would be my pleasure to hold you, love."

He laid back and Hazel climbed on top of him to nuzzle in and complain with a whine, "We need to do this more. I miss you a lot and we live together."

The Brit took a hit of his cart and smirked. "I wouldn't be complaining. You can stay here as long as you like, I don't think we've cuddled by ourselves since... Since the trial." He wouldn't let himself stew in the misery anymore but it was still easier to pretend it had never happened than to admit it did.

Hazel leaned up and peppered kisses over his heart. "You're so brave. I wanna be brave like you someday." It started beating even faster and he frowned. "I'm sorry."

Jacob held his face and smiled weakly. "You just took my breath away is all. What's the matter?"

"You ever feel like you'll never be able to love without being afraid of losing everything?" His breathing got shaky and he wrapped his hands around Jacob's wrists so his hands would stay when he hid his face in his chest. "I'm afraid this is going to go away one day, but I don't want it to. I get afraid of someone getting cancer, I freak out every time there's a fight even if I'm not involved cause all it takes is one thing to destroy everything I love."

Jacob could feel his tears dampening his shirt, he could feel Hazel trembling and couldn't help his surprise. He seemed so happy-go-lucky all the time and aching to love on the nearest person... He'd never suspected it was out of fear that made him so desperate to marinate in everyone's affection.

"I don't wanna be alone again."

Jacob felt his throat closing up at that. If anyone could understand being alone and lonely, it was himself probably. Maybe. But he had to try to comfort Hazel. "You won't, I promise." His lips found his forehead and his thumbs the tears to wipe them away. "I'll never leave you alone. I'd rather drive you nuts than leave you miserable and wishing for company." Hazel leaned up to look at him in wonder as he muttered surely, "I'm in love with you, Hazel. I love you."

He recoiled, a small smile lighting up his face. "Really?"

Miffed, Jacob sort of wanted to slap him. "Did... you not know that?" Then his annoyance turned into guilt. The polycule always told him how incredible he was to have as a boyfriend, but had Hazel been somehow left out?

Hazel shrugged shyly. The action looked a bit silly on a man so built he could break Jacob in half like a twig, but it was also pretty cute. "Well... yes. I dunno. I guess I thought you more platonically loved me or something."

Jacob pushed him up to crawl onto his lap and straddle him. His brows furrowed and he traced the growing warmth in his cheeks with his lips. "We've laid together many times. I trusted you to keep watch over me. I trust you right now to tell me what I've been doing wrong."

Hazel melted.

He giggled and swooned and pushed into his lips for more kisses. It was so much like Steven Jacob had to pull back to double check. "I gaslight myself. You're just so handsome and sweet. I feel like I don't compete."

Jacob burst out laughing. "When was the last time you looked in a mirror?!" It simpered quickly though and he tapped over his chest. "It's all in here that I'm positively smitten with, but I can't deny the way I salivate when you walk in a room. I guess, in a way, I thought maybe..." He blushed and dropped his eyes fast, ignoring Hazels humiliated groan.

"I'm so, so sorry!" He whispered. "You were giving me this look and you're just so emotionally open and it's admirable." A grimace came over him and he sighed. "I'm so sorry."

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