Made of Love

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Steven beamed at Adam and Jacob for no discernible reason when he pulled them aside. He squealed and they nervously chuckled.

Adam reached up to scratch at his beard and pull him in for a kiss. "What's up? You're making me nervous..."

"Sorry, I just made a connection!" His eyes turned pink and now his gaze was colder, like he was seeing inside of them. "You know how we call you guys the Universals?"

Jacob raised his hand. "What does that actually mean? Just thought it was like, cause I'm universally handsome."

Adam shoved him so hard he tripped. "Anyways, continue."

Steven laughed and shrunk so he'd be closer to their level. "Basically I mean that I think if anyone would inherit the ability to fuse, it'd be you two. 'Universal' means we can plug you guys with anyone or any relationship and you'll fit right in!" He rocked back and forth on his feet adorably and then pointed to himself when they didn't seem to understand. "You guys are Steven's in a sense."


Jacob scrubbed at his neck. "No one could be like you Steven. You're the best."

"Yeah, tell that to my wife when I wake up screaming in a puddle of piss," He muttered jadedly.

Adam grew concerned. "What?"

"Hm?" One could see how much he hated himself for a split second, how much he loathed everything he was without an ounce of empathy.

They both related so hard they wondered if Steven might be right.

"Anyways," He brushed a hand through his coils that were so silky they just gave away without snarls. "I was wondering if you guys wanted to try, since we'll be having kids soon and won't have time."

Jacob had to stifle the urge to ask if they were already affected by Steven's magic enough for them to be immortal. He'd noticed the streak of grey hair he'd gotten from his court case was completely gone. "How... would we logically do that if we aren't made of light?"

Steven laughed. "How do me and Connie do it?"

"Cause... you're made of light?" Adam asked cautiously. "You've never actually sat us down and told us your story, you know."

"It's on the internet," He sighed tiredly. "No, I'm made of flesh and blood and so is Connie. It's not my gem necessarily that helps me fuse, it's the magic in my blood. Cause that's what's made of hard light." He lifted his shirt and tapped his gem. "But you guys are all connected. Adam connected directly for Code Mistake, remember?"

Steven and Jacob started to get excited about it all over again while Adam stared at his veins. There was supposedly Steven's magic in it, but how much did it take to fuse? "How much magic does it take to fuse?"

Steven broke out of the conversation to think. "I dunno. But you guys are inheriting my powers already. Hazel has healing powers, Connie can summon her weapon, Anna can shape-shift but we have to be fused," He listed off, then looked to the two boys proudly. "But you guys have been through unspeakable things like I have: hating yourself, the extreme trauma and horrible people around you, and working through it to become this... I think you guys have a good chance!"

Jacob tucked his head into Adam's neck and sighed wistfully. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't ever wished we could."

"Well, it makes sense with you wishing for fusion if you guys would both be fusions if you were gems," Steven told them from the ceiling. The display of affection had made him happy and he'd floated, so he decided he may as well walk around up there. "You'd both be Garnets, like the Crystal Gems Garnet, but Jacob's Ruby is more pronounced and Adam's Sapphire is more pronounced. You guys flow on perfect opposite spectrums, like me and Connie, and ideally would create a fusion like we do."

Jacob watched in wonder as he slid his hand into Adam's. "And how's that?"

Steven giggled at his hair hanging down in a curtain of brown luster. "A Perfect Fusion. Connie and I are always studying magic when we're not..." He blushed but his shit eating smirk said he was more proud and potentially interested in doing exactly that right now. "When we're not having awesome sex, and we have tons of new phrases for things. Stevonnie is one of my fusions that is absolutely perfect. Stevonnie is flawless, two arms, two legs, two eyes. They're completely integrated, it happened fast, and they're generally cool all around." He floated to the ground to lie on the floor now. "And I think you two would make another Perfect Fusion. You're puzzle pieces."

Jacob pressed his lips together and let out a tumultuous breath. "Is this my quarterly review?"

Steven nodded, hands clasped over his glowing gem. "I notice everything."

"So...?" Adam pressed anxiously, not wanting to talk about that. "How?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, I just thought I'd casually mention it."

Jacob's jaw dropped. "You interrupted our make out session for this! I thought we were in trouble!"

"Shit, sorry," He giggled. "But I think you guys can do it. I've seen your guys' blood tests, you don't have HIV but you definitely have a higher amount of 'Unknown' that almost matches Connie's. And she fuses with me the easiest. But if you can't, it should also be noted that you guys are magic bound anyways so," He blew a bored raspberry and then got up. "How was that Connie?"

"Not great at the end there but you tried," She admitted, being lifted into his arms for a kiss and her fingers scaling the shells of his ears.

They fused and Stevonnie booped Jacob's nose. "You'll figure it out. Cause you guys are made of love."

They started to walk away but Adam smiled and crossed his arms. "You're not gonna say hi, Stevonnie? You think you know a fusion."

Jacob giggled and slunk behind Adam so he could watch. "Cold."

They shuffled up to him and stared at him from two and a half feet on him. "I'm not avoiding you."

"It's perfectly natural to be nervous, but it won't change the fact that you can be milked," He chirped pleasantly. "You'll come crawling back, my babies always do."

"Pretentious," They muttered as they stomped off.

"You just don't like to admit you like being dominated because you're a kickass fusion." Adam grinned and wagged a finger at them. "Shameful, you're allowed to like being taken care of, Stev."

They sat on the couch and sighed. "Whatever."

Jacob tugged at Adam's arm and pushed for an aching kiss, and then ten more. "I love you, regardless."

"Me too, a lot." Adam pulled him toward the couch and Adam spooned Stevonnie while Jacob pressed their head into his chest and they dozed to sleep.

Domestic Polycule AU Where stories live. Discover now