8) actions have consequences

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Hey guys sorry for the longer wait I had my exam week and it absolutely drained me but now I'm back

*real life*

Charles was walking in his hotel lobby when all of a sudden he was interrupted in his peace. He took off his earphones and started smiling at the person and it dropped as he saw who it was.

His rival and enemy was in front of him with an angry looking face. The monegasque tried to pass but the Dutchman stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"- What do you want Max, Charles said harshly.

- Hey relax! It's like you always to fight me.

- Hahaha, Charles had laughed sarcastically rolling his eyes. Still, what do you want?

- Oh you know I just wanted to talk, he said with his hand still on his shoulder. Or maybe because I want to annoy you for yesterday.

The day before Charles had ran into Max and spilled coffee onto him. He was obviously mad as the coffee was hot and everywhere. But the monegasque couldn't help but grin at the sight. This made Max furious, especially as they were in the middle of the paddock and a shit load of camera and fans had seen this.

And I thought Charles was unlucky one here, he had thought in that moment.

- Oh common it was just an inchident, he said with an even wider grin than the day before. And I said sorry.

- Well it didn't seem so. Especially with that stupid grin of yours, how he loved it though. I bet it made your whole day.

Charles didn't like lying. His mother hadn't taught him to tell the truth for nothing.

- Meh. I won't say anything, he was now smiling unlike Max. No need for Mad Max again.

- Fuck off you stupid bitch!

- Ok calm down, get over it. It was yesterday, Charles said now annoyed.

- Get over it?! Seriously Charles. I was drenched in coffee.

- Drenched, excuse me? Charles said with a dry laugh. Only your chest was wet.

He said that smiling and pointing at said chest. His finger was touching the fabric of the red bull merch. Charles had a smirk on his face while moving his finger across his abs.

- Omg stop touching me! What the hell is wrong with you?! Max had raised his voice with a disgusted look.

- Pfff, drama queen.

- Oh shut up you mother fucker! You'd deserve at least a bit of humiliation after that.

- Omg why do you hold so much grudge on it? Charles asked annoyed. It's only coffee, relax.

- Yeah but still ruined my day, Max answered. And I like to annoy you too, Charles.

Said Charles rolled his eyes and started walking away but Max grabbed him quite strongly. He pushed him away with as much violence as the Dutchman used.

- Ok, calm down I got it! You're mad and all but now leave me alone, Charles had raised his voice.

- Oh it's you that needs to calm down. You wouldn't want to make a scene would you? Max asked with a smirk in a faked pity voice."

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