11) text shenanigans

518 21 21

F1 lads 🏎️

*Tripod adds 123 456-7890 and 098 765-4321*
*Tripod names 123 456-7890 Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo and 098 765-4321 Yukino*

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: ohhh hello Pieeeeerre Gaslyyyyyyy is this the group you talked about

Tripod: yeah it is

Yukino: omg Pierre why that nickname 😭

Tripod: cause I like it

Milk boy: haha Yukino 😂

Yukino: shut up

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: omg is Max here?

Max: yeah

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: Maxyyyyyyy

Max: Dannyyyy

Banana: hey Danny hey Yuki

Yukino: hi Charles 👋

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: Hi Charles!

Facts: hey guys

Chilli 🌶️: holà

Albono: what's up

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: hey! I'm good thanks

Yukino: I'm good too
And Pierre for the love of god can you change my fucking name

Tripod: no ☺️

Yukino: fuck off

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: hey what do you guys usually do on this group chat

Tripod: we sometimes play some sorts of game or organise hang out or streams

Albono: and let's not forget when lestappen argue

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: I'm sure one day they'll stop don't worry
They'll fuck each other one day I promise

Banana: what's a lestappen?

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: oh

Max: yeah what is it? It sounds like my last name tho

Daneilllll Riiicciardoooo: OH
Nobody told them

Chilli 🌶️: maybe it's better like that you know...

Milk boy: nah
You're lestappen

Tripod: Lando!

Max: huh? Why changing the beginning of my name

Facts: my lord...

Milk boy: god you're slow
It's the ship name for both you and Charles so when talking about the two of you we use your name as a duo

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