Chapter One

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A/N: So this is my first ever fanfiction. I have been writing this on paper for a long time (trying to get it so you guys, if anyone even reads it, enjoys it and likes it)
Please enjoy.


My whole existance is just a train wreck. Everything I do ends up going wrong. I've left four schools in the last two years- that has affected my education alot, but I really do not care about that at all.
The point is that I was recommended to leave four schools due to bullying and depression. No one has ever been bullied as much as I have, normally bullying stops around the age of fifteen (as people should have matured slightly) but with me it's a whole other story.
I get bullied for my image, my sexuality, anything they can latch on to, they will bully me for. Even the smallest things.
Oh, I said my 'sexuality' didn't I? Yeah, I'm gay and all those evil bastards just love to pick on homosexuals dont they? Because they are all judgemental dicks who clearly don't deserve to live on the same planet as gay people without getting offended.
I didnt even come out publicly in my last school, my ex-boyfriend decided to spread it all over Facebook, Twitter, place any social networking website, he would have totally destroyed my life. All over a stupid girl, who he hell in love with.
And now my mother has decided to just throw me into another prison. Oh, I can't wait what the bullies have in store for me. It better be good.


I hear the chaos that is the school premises and just look through the gates. Groups of friends everywhere, the girls gossiping about random crap- most likely 'how sexy' the boy that they keep on giggling over is. The boys doing the same over the girls.
I take a deep breath and just step through the gate and walk through the mass school population. I find a empty spot in the playground, I sit on a bench and look around at the horror- I mean school- I have to contend with forever.
I watch the gangs of people talking random crap, play fighting like little children and exchanging food. (Well I now know who to avoid) I hear laughter, non-stop laughter, students so happy to be with their friends, talking to catch up on everything that has happened over the last few days. I'm just the loner, the one kid that has no body to talk to, I'll have no friends to talk to. I might as well be invisible, no one would notice I even existed in the first place...

Thats when all thoughts stop as I spy a boy. A lonely boy with earphones hanging from his ears striding along trying to avoid the popular kids. He stops and pulls out his phone. I open my mouth slightly. He wears black skinny jeans, a white untucked shirt and a black coat. I'm pretty sure that is not proper school uniform.
He looks up slightly I see his black ebony hair and pale white skin. He is beautiful-
Stop it Dan. I smack my leg and look away from him.
I stand up and walk away, staring at the floor. I bump into something and look up. Bad move.
"Hey look where you're going idiot." Snarls a boy. I catch eye contact with him and he pushes me into a wall.
"Don't fucking look at me you faggot." He snarls, he reaks of tobacco smoke.
"I'm sorry." I stammer. He laughs, his three friends appear by his side. They want a fight, so they'll pick on the quiet, new guy, they always do.
They all look like fucked up gangsters wearing jewelry and their uniforms completely wrong.
"Hey, it's the new kid. Shall we give him our welcome wishes?" One friend, who looks like a literal dickhead says laughing. I swallow, my legs won't move at all however much my brain tells them to.
Oh great, only two minutes after stepping into the school I get dragged to a wall, clearly for a beating, I'm a bully magnet. It seems I attract more enemies than I ever do friends.

The main leader grabs me by the tie and smacks me against the wall three times, then knees me in the chest and throws me to the floor.
"Never look at me ever again faggot," he snarls stalking off with a huge grin on his face. He kicks me as he goes. I groan and shout at him. He turns back around, his ugly face turning to anger.
"Did you just call me a fucking arsehole?" He shouts, I get to my feet and stagger slightly.
"That's what I said you deaf prick!" I manage.
Top tip Dan, dont stand up for yourself.
I hold my chest and glare at him. A group of students appear and starts to cheer for him: "Matthew! Matthew! Matthew!"
Using the adrenaline and confidence caused by the huge crowd he storms up towards me and the beating begins.

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