Chapter Ten

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Warning: this chapter does contain homophobic behaviour and very small domestic abuse.


"Phil..." I murmur quietly. I cuddle up to him, he's still asleep.
"What Dan?" He replies taking me by surprise.
"Where's your parents?"
He sits bolt upright and stares at the locked door. I hear bangs and noises from downstairs, Phil grabs his phone and checks the time or date. I glare at him confused.
"Coming back from holiday." He says nervously. He gets out of bed and pulls on some trousers and a t-shirt. "Dan... I would get up and leave if I were you."
I roll over to face him and move from my face.
"What? Why?"
"Trust me, just leave." He says grabbing all my clothes and throwing them at me.
"Phil? Are you awake?" Someone calls from downstairs.
Phil gives me a look saying 'get out now!' And I quickly get off his bed.
"Uh, yeah dad, I'm awake." He says. He hands me my clothes and pushes me out onto the balcony, just before someone tries to open the door.

* Phil's POV*

Oh crap! Oh crap! I left the door locked!
"Phil... why is your door locked?" Says my father. I look back at the curtains and worry for Dan. "Are you with someone?"
"What? No." I say with a fake laugh, unlocking the door. My dad storms in. I can tell he's angry. I step away from him and look back at my curtains.
"Well then, who does this belong to?" He says pointing at Dan's jumper. Crap! "And that?" He says pointing at the condom packet. I bite hard on my lip and my hands starts to shake. I step further towards my bed. Father gives me a stern, deadly stare. He wants a answer. Now.
"Phillip, I told you to not have anyone around this house when we were on holiday. Who was it and why did you disobey me?" He says angrily. Don't get angry please don't get angry, I plead in my head. I fight back tears.
" I'm old enough to have my friends over." I argue back, trying to stand up for myself.
"Well then, who is this 'friend' of yours and why did he leave his jumper in your room?"
"Because he was leaving in a rush, wasn't he?" He says questioning me. My breath stutters slightly.
"What did you do last night?" He demands making me jump.
"I- I had a friend over." I say completely terrified.
"Doing what?"
"Phil?" He warns.
At that I hear a phone ring from the balcony. My stomach drops.
"Dad, please!" I shout frantically trying to stop him from opening the curtains. "Dad leave him alone!" I exclaim as he grabs Dan's arm and pulls him into the room. I start to cry. He yanks him off him.
"Don't touch me." He says. No, don't fucking say anything Dan.
"Why- if he's just a 'friend'- did you hide him from me?"
"Shut up!" He shouts making me jump. I glare at the floor in complete guilt and sorrow. I let him down. "What have I told you about bringing boys home over night? If you brought a girl over, I wouldn't be so mad. But a boy? "
My head rises to catch a sight of Dan. He looks mortified. I rush forwards and shove a hand infront of him.
"Get out!" He shouts.
"Let me-"
"Get out now!" He doesnt move. He's frozen in shock of what he said. He looks as if he could throttle my father.
"Dad! I can bring home whoever I want to, you cant tell me what to do!"
"You are seventeen and I am your father, I can do whatever I want to you, you have to listen to me and do as I say. Now I told you to get him out of this house. SO GET HIM OUT! Or I'll do if myself."
"I dont want him to leave, you don't understa-"
He grabs Dan's shoulder and pushes him toward the door.
"Get off him!" I shout stepping infront of him and blocking his path. "Now listen to me father." I grab Dan's hand and pull him towards me.
"I am gay and I am allowed to love boys. I am old enough to bring them home, I am allowed to kiss them in this house, there is no Laws against it apart from your stupid house rules. Your rules are wrong and all it involves is banning me from doing anything i want to-"
He slaps me hard on the cheek. I gasp and grab my cheek. Dan gasps.

"Why do you have such a problem with Phil being gay?" Dan says, intervening. My cheek stings but I've had worse before. "And why the hell did you slap him?"
"Dan, leave it alone and get out." I say, even though it hurts to say it.
"Are you kidding me?" He exclaims staring at me. I'm crying.
"You heard what your 'boyfriend' said: get out!" Father says in a mocking voice. I give him a dirty look. Fucking bastard making me kick out my boyfriend. I hate you.
"My 'boyfriend' is your son and you should accept him whatever the case, if he's homosexual you should love him and accept that fact. You shouldn't be a homophobic bastard like every fucker in this society is. I love Phil and he loves me and there is absolutely nothing you can do that will stop us loving eachother." Dan says spitefully.
"It's wrong!"
"You're wrong! Everything you think is wrong. Everything you believe is wrong-"
He goes to hit Dan and I completely snap. I push him back so hard he falls to the floor.
"Don't you dare touch him or you'll have me to contend with! You can hit me as many times as you want but I swear to god, if you touch him I will literally kill you!" I shout. Im angry. I'm furious. Dan's crying.
Father is angry. But he doesnt cry.
He's to proud to cry.
"Phil..." Dan says touching my arm. I pull away and stomp over to father. I glare at him. I can hit you right now. I can HIT you right now...
No. I won't.
I hold out a hand.
" I'm sorry dad, I will never do it again. I promise?" I say helping my father up to his feet.
"Dan. Leave." I say.

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