Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning I wake up, look across at Phil. He's peacefully asleep.
"Stop doing that," I slap his shoulder.
"What? Why?" He says opening his eyes and putting on his glasses, his eyes glow blue behind the lenses. Why is he so beautiful?
"I like to admire you when you sleep."
"Aww that's a shame, I like to do that to you," he says planting a kiss on my mouth.
"Phil you are my saviour, did you know that?"
"Yes, yes I do," he says kissing me again. He gets up, out of bed and grabs his phone.
I pull a sulky face.
"What?" He says noticing me.
"You left me in bed. Alone." I say.
"And?" He questions cheekily.
"I wanted to kiss you more."
"Get changed then I'll kiss you."
"Ugh, Phil you're such a tease." I groan clambering out of bed and changing my pajamas whilst slamming around like a stroppy child.
He stands in the corner of the room just looking at me with that adorable tongue sticking out thing. It's freaking adorable. His entire personality is just adorable.
Then he laughs at me.

"Phil kiss me again, im dying of 'lack of Phil kisses'."
"It's only been two minutes." He laughs.
"But with this illness, it's diagnosed in ten seconds." I tease.
"Fine, let me give you your medicine then." He says grabbing my hand and pulls me towards him and kisses me.
"I love your hobbit hair." He whispers suddenly.
"My what? What? What? What?" I blush finding the mirror quick as a flash. Phil laughs. I stare at my curly natural hair and then glare at Phil.
"How could you let me have this hair?" I say. He laughs.
"Dan, it's cute. It's adorable. I love it." He says appearing behind me. "I love it just as much as I love you."
"Oh, you love my hair just as much at me myself?" I inquire.
"Your hair is part of you isnt it? Which means I love it equally." He smiles.
"Fine, you win this time."


"Dan, promise me you will never do that again, promise me now." Phil says.
"It's not that easy."
"Yes it is." He replies. I look up at him, we sit in the kitchen eating breakfast.
"What? How the hell would you know?" I say a bit too harshly.
He hesitates for a very long time. His blue eyes look very distant.
He rolls up his sleeves, he shows me his wrists- two faint scars on both wrists- how have I not noticed that before?
"I tried it myself before."
My mouth drops open. My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces.
"Phil... I'm so sorry. I didn't realise, I'm so sor-"
"Dan, it doesn't matter what happened in my past. I want to forget it all anyway and when I'm with you I do. Just promise me you wont do it again. I can't live without you. Please promise me."
I say the hardest thing ever to say:
"I promise."

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