Chapter Four

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The next month at school was just as bad as the first day. I got pushed, tripped over, called names, shouted at and so on everyday.
The only good thing about going to school was seeing Phil. We talked, spent break and lunch together, I think I may have actually found a friend. And it feels good to have a friend.
"Dan!" Phil says clicking infront of my face, snapping me into reality.

We sit in the park on a bench as the rain pours around us. Typical Britain. No one is actually in the park at the moment, they all left when the rain fell.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks adjusting his hair. He's so cute-
Stop it Dan.
"You." I end up slipping out. He gives me a look.
"Not like that," I protest, "like a friend... I mean you are the only friend I have ever had and I just want to say thank you for noticing me and not judging me like every other bastard on this planet does without knowing my story. Thank you for accepting me and being my friend when no one else would."
"Dan.... you don't need to thank me for being your friend. I mean, to be honest, I don't see why people wouldn't be friends with you anyway-"
"You should Phil, believe me, you should."
"What do you mean?" He says, confused.
"It doesn't matter." I say.
"Tell me your story Dan."
"Why? It's boring, nothing special."
"Well then why do people 'hate' you so much?" He asks me. I look at him, his blue eyes glued on my brown eyes. I can't tell him why, he'll hate me forever. He'll abandon me in the park, in the rain and never want to talk to me again.
Who wants to be friends with a gay boy who might have a crush on you and then freaks you out because you're straight and you're friend is a 'freak'?
I can't tell Phil the real reason, I just found my first best friend. I can't make him my best enemy. I wont let it...
Wait.... did I say I might have a crush on him.
Oh great Dan, just make it a million times worse, as per usual-

"Dan?" Phil says turning my chin to look at him. "Im sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I should've realised it's a very sensitive topic-"
"Phil, I have been to four schools over the last two years. I was bullied out of every single one..." my voice cracks and tears fall. I look away from Phil. "I- I dont see why people would... bully me for-" I stop myself. I can't.
"For what Dan?" Phil says in the calmest, most reassuring voice in the whole world. I look up at him. He looks genuinely worried for me now.
"I am constantly bullied because of my s- sexuality." I say looking away and covering my face. Tears form and I rub my eyes hard.
"Leave me alone Phil!" I snap as everything in my head just falls apart. I storm away from him. Not looking back.
"Dan, what's wrong?"
"Leave me alone Phil!" I shout.

I run home, lock the door and walk to my bedroom slamming the door shut. I stare at my reflection. At my tear stained face.
My phone rings. It's Phil.
Of course it is, he's worried about you.
I press ignore and search my pocket.
I feel the cold metal.
I feel the pain. But it doesnt feel the same. It hurts. It hurts so much. I cry. I scream and break down.

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