Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: this chapter contains thoughts of self harm


Yesterday, after school, I had gotten into another fight with Matthew Warner. Phil intervened and ended up with a few broken ribs, a broken wrist and a beaten up face and body. This is all my fault. I knew what would happen, I wanted to stand up for myself and not be called a coward for not showing up.
And it ends up with Phil in hospital.


I want to cut so bad, im at the verge of grabbing anything sharp and jusg ripping my flesh, I need to feed my obsession. I crave the sight of blood, but I promised him...

He took my 'weapons' away from me and threw them all away with the message:
"If you cut yourself, you have to cut me twice the amount you did yourself so you can understand how much you hurt me by doing it."

I cry and scream quietly, trying so hard to fight my urges.
It's all your fault. Phil is only here because of you. If you had jumped off the balcony that day none of this would have ever happened. Phil's going to be upset with you, he is never going to want to see you again.
He'll kick you out this hospital room and dump-

"Dan, what's wrong?" Phil says bringing me back to reality.
"It's all my fault."
"Hey, it's not your fault." Phil says forcing himself to a seating position groaning slightly.
"Yes it is, I'm sorry." I say, tears roll down my face.
"Dan I'm not dying I just got in a fight. Don't cry, it isn't your fault. It's no ones fault. All I was trying to do was to stop him fighting you. I didnt expect to be in hospital the next day." He says. He grabs my hand, his left wrist is broken, it's a good thing he's right handed. "Don't blame yourself."
"Dan," he growls, warning me, he grabs my head and pulls me down and kisses me. "I've wanted to do that all night."
Somehow, I manage to smile and embrace him into a hug.
"Ouch, ribs." He laughs.
"Oh, sorry." I pull back, not laughing back.

I look over at the door, no nurses, no doctors to spot us.
"No one's there unless I press this button." Phil says. "Come on, sit." He says gesturing me to sit on the hospital bed. I do sit. I hold his hand. I smile at his pretty face, even though he has a cut lip and a cut above his eyebrow he is still so fucking beautiful.
I hold the back of his neck and kiss him.
"Ooh," I hear a flustered girly voice. I pull away and look at the door, Phil's nurse stands there.
"She's weird anyway," Phil whispers really quietly.
"Oh you didnt need to stop, don't mind me. I find it cute." She says.
"Hhmm?" Phil says rolling his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"As you are under eighteen it is the law that we notify your parents you are here."
"And?" Phil says.
"They said they'll be here as soon as they can."
"Is my father coming?" Phil says. The nurse pulls a nervous face. Does she know something? Has Phil told her about his father?
Well of course stupid, she's his nurse. "Urm... I'm sorry but he answered the phone so i'll assume so. I'll be here as soon as you push that button remember?"
I look at Phil, his face has fallen to complete sadness. She looks worried, then leaves the room after Phil gestures her to leave.
"Phil, smile it'll be okay. As long as I am here he won't do anything, you'll be okay." I say kissing his mouth.

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