Chapter Two

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Warning: this chapter does contain self harm.


I managed to get out of that fight and I ran like the coward they all called me as I ran away. I locked the door behind me and now I lean against the cubicle door with my knees to my chest crying.
Can I ever go to a school where I don't start a fight, for no reason, on my first day?
Can I go anywhere without being judged?
I hate this world. I hate myself. It would be better off if I just died. Everyone would be happier and would live fine without me to waste their precious oxygen.
The blood pours in strips onto the floor, the feeling of cold metal against my warm skin gives me some sort of satisfaction, a warm feeling of pleasure runs through my bleeding veins and I smile to myself as I do it again, not even wincing. I enjoy pain, it makes me feel a strange intense feeling of satisfaction....

"Hey, are you okay?"
Oh shit, I drop the blade on the floor and crawl to get toilet roll. I wrap it around the wounds and secure it. I roll down my blazer sleeve and shove the blade back in my pocket. I shut my mouth and close my eyes.
I stay silent and hope he goes away. I don't want another fight or another argument. I can't bare being called another name ever again.
"Are you okay?" He says, he appears to be standing directly infront of the door I am sitting behind. I see his shadow.
'Go away! Go away!' I plead in my head.
"You think I'm stupid, don't you?" He says, I raise a eyebrow. 'Aren't all people in schools nowadays stupid?'
He sighs and I hear shuffling on the floor and hear a quiet bang on the door. Did he just sit down? Did he really just-?
"I'm not leaving until you come out."
"Go away!" I say.
"Oh, you do talk, I'm not talking to the toilet ghost." He replies. I roll my eyes.
"Go away, go back to your friends." I hiss, harsher than I wanted to. I rest my head on the door. Whoever it is, he is sitting directly opposite me, leaning against the door. Just like me.
"What makes you think I have friends?" He replies.
"Everyone has friends... Apart from me."
"I'll be your friend. " he says quicker than a normal response would be. Butterflies start to fly in my chest. I shake my head.
"You don't know me, why would you want to be friends with me?" I reply, anger showing in my voice.
"You fought against Matthew, no one ever does that- you're brave. You did something I would never do-"
I snort, "I'm hardly brave. "

I hear a bell. The school bell. Lessons have started. Oh great.
"Go to lesson. " I say.
"Not until you get out." He replies. I look up at the roof and sigh the biggest sigh in the world. I stand up and open the door.

He practically topples over onto his back and I look down at him. He's the boy I saw earlier. He looks up at me with deep sea blue eyes. I cant help but snigger slightly. His fringe covers his face and his face is so pretty. How can someone be so beautiful in this moment of complete ugly horror?
We look at eachother for a few moments. He flushes bright red and coughs awkwardly and gets to his feet.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up, hey?" He says.
"Wait a second, who are you?" I say, "and why are you being nice to me? No one is nice to me."
"My name is Phil and people are nice to you, I'm a person. I will be nice to you because no one should be picked on."

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