Chapter Eighteen (final chapter)

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This chapter is the last one. It is long, sorry.
It does contain smut (all the way to the dirty stuff this time) and alot of fluff.

* 1 week later *

Today is the day that Phil is able to get back to school after his injuries. We found out that Matthew Warner and all his friends were excluded a day after the fight.
We told Phil's mother about our relationship, she totally excepted it and joked around telling us to "use protection" everytime we stay over night.
Both my parents love Phil. Mum finds our relationship cute.
Dad said: "as long as you are happy" which of course I am.
Mum said: "you can have whoever you want sweetheart, but do not have sex loudly if we are in the house."
I remember blushing hard and complaining at mum for being embarassing.
Phil just stood there laughing.
I haven't touched a knife or blade ever since that day as I had a literal ray of sunshine by my side everyday.
I have never been happier in my life.
All because of Phil Lester.
My boyfriend.

Today is also my birthday, but I still have to go to school which annoys me. Phil still wears his cast on his wrist with my writing: 'Dan x Phil forever' and 'Phan for life.' Covered in love hearts and love messages.
We stand before the school gate. I take a deep breath.
Phil takes my hand, I look at him and smile. I hold his hand tighter and we step into the school not caring who sees us.
I love Phil Lester and nobody will tell me otherwise.

We go to Phil's home after school, I hold Phil's hand and I hold my birthday present in my other.
Now we sit on the bed, both legs crossed, he wears a hat shaped as a lion with flaps and baubles and a very fluffy mane. He looks adorable in it.
"Happy seventeenth birthday Dan." He says placing a kiss on my lips.
"Can I open it now?" I plead, "the tension is killing me."
"Yes yes." Phil says like a happy excited toddler.
I unwrap the present to reveal a pale brown hat... a llama hat with baubles and a little llama face. I can't describe it, it's wonderful. I love it. I jump up and hug Phil so hard I hear him complain. I let go and kiss his cheek.
"I love you so much, thank you." I say shoving the brown hat on my head.
"I love you too." He says.
"How about we live the future now Phil? " i say with a cheeky smile.
"What do you mean?"
I kiss him and push him down
We kiss for a good whole fifteen minutes.

(For your information, I am crap at writing smut so I won't be surprised if it sucks)
* SMUT *

I pull him towards me and he pushes me on my back. He continues to kiss me and I kiss back. He removes his shirt and I smile and look at his chest.
He pulls me to a seating position and the warming sensation flows through my body, electricity buzzing. He pulls off my shirt and kisses my jaw. Then my neck, I moan in pleasure.
"P-Phil..." I moan and he sucks on my neck, I shiver.
He pushes me on my back again and looks at me with a face of pure love and lust. I breath heavily as he leaves trails of kisses all the way down my neck, down to my stomach. He removes my trousers, leaving me in just my underwear. He quickly removes his and presses his lips to mine.

He sits up and I look down at him.
"You want a blowjob?" I question the obvious staring at his package. He nods. He removes his pants and I do the same, we are both completely stark naked.
I kneel over and place Phil's member in my mouth. He holds my head and gently bobs my head up and down, then I bob faster and quicker until very soon I swallow the warm liquid and look up at him. I grin and kiss him on the lips.
"Eww, Dan." He moans.

"Your turn birthday boy," he says a condom and lube in his hands. I smile.
"Aww Phil." I say kissing him on the lips.
I use the lube to widen my entrance so it's easier for him to enter me.
He positions himself and he slowly inserts himself inside me. A buzzing feeling flows through my body, he goes deeper inside and begins to thrust more and more. As he goes further I let out moans after moans and moans. Then he reached the end and hits the spot, leading me to come all over myself.
He smiles and readjusts my llama hat. I laugh and we just fall in eachothers arms and lay in bed.

"Phil, this is the most fun I have ever had." I say tracing invisible lines with my finger along his chest. He fiddles with my hair.
"Wait," he says, "I forgot something" he moves slightly so I'm laying on his lap.I look up at him confused.
He kisses me and then lifts my arm. He kisses every single scar on my arms and I do the same with his two.
We both just lay in silence for ten minutes embracing our companionship again. I lay on his chest and feel him breathing and his heart beating such a relaxing beat.
"Phil, I want to die. But not yet, I want to love you forever and grow up with you for as long as we can my Lion. Phillip Michael Lester, I love you, you know that right?"
"Daniel James Howell, yes I do. I love you too my little Llama."

A/N: Cheesy ending I know, I'm so sorry :/ I just hope you enjoyed it.

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