Part - 9

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20 votes to unlock part 10 , I will give shoutout to the first five voters and Commenters on next part so stay tuned and stay updated ❤️

Shoutout -

@lahunlangkharmynthon @mehar55909
@dhanshreejadhav1 @sanjeevkumar445

Thanks lovelies for your support ❤️


I was in parking lot waiting them to come when suddenly someone pull me harshly behind the car .

" YOU , I almost shouted getting scared "

" Varya where are you ? Kha gyi abhi toh yhi hi thi " I heard chavi saying to arsh and they are finding me .

" , my voice muffled as he kept his rough hands on my mouth covering my fucking whole face how long can someone's hands be "

" I glared at him and ask him toh leave me from my eyes "

" Shhhh , he silent me , huh what he think of himself I'm already silent because of this alien "

" When he's not leaving me an idea came in my mind and I bite his hand hard actually way to hard that he almost shouted but before he could do anything I ran from there "

" Guys I'm here let's go , I said to arsh and chavi . "

" Kha chli gyi thi itni si der mein , chavi asked me "

" Woh bss yhi ghum rhi thi , I lied to them cause I don't want any unnecessary secene now and with that we left "


" What the hell with this girl why everytime she bites me by chance is she a vampire cause she behaves like one she fucking bite me on my neck and that too hard that it leave a bruise and now on my hand I have to be careful with this Little vamp . "

" I came here to drop one of my friend when I found her alone looking here and there mumbling to herself I know she's crazy I sighed and was about to leave when I saw a shadow behind a pillar her back was facing the pillar and that shadow was moving in her direction I don't know why but it's not giving me good vibe so I moved towards her and pull her behind a car to saw that person but unfortunately due to dim light and her friends I couldn't able to saw that person and he left . "

Next day

At hospital


I was working when someone knock on my desk I looked at that person and

" Oh hii what are you doing here , we both said at same time "

" Awkward laugh "

" I'm an intern here , I'm a trustee here again we both said at same
time "

" Laugh laugh laugh "

" So miss doctor can I sit here , he asked "

" Yes sir why are you asking , I said nervously "

" Stop with this formalities yrr I thaught we are friends "

" Huh , I raised my eyesbrows in confusion "

" It's quadir for you yrr , remember last night or you forget me this easily he said being hurt "

" Oh no no it's not like this it's just you are my boss na so , I said nervously "

" Com'on yr we are friends , he said and offer his hand for a handshake "

Varya : His Treasure Where stories live. Discover now