Part - 14

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25 votes to unlock part 15 , I will give shoutout to the first five voters and Commenters on next part so stay tuned and stay updated ❤️

On your demand I post this part it's a bit difficult for me to write this as my exams are going on and my schedule was a bit tight but for you guys anything so here is the double update ✨


I was having breakfast when dadu announced that varya will live with us in this house I was so confused with this fact cause when we had conversation in his study I was sure he is planning something big and right now I was sure he is planning something but what's her connection with all this .

My thoughts interrupt when I heard varya and narzo phuphi , when phuphi called her chor and the way she take stand for her is really appreciable but when she point on nazro phuphi upbringing a smile came on my face only she can do this without any fear my little patakha stop Ryan don't you think you are giving her too much nicknames I scold myself.

Dadu also tell us about she being his friend grand daughter and she's here for her studies and all he is a great lier how smoothly he lies and what's fun is watching her reaction I can't control my laugh on how her mouth open and eyes came out of socket listing dadu lies .

After having breakfast I also left for my office .

Night time

I am back from my office after freshen up I was going in aleena room to give her this cute chocolate hamper cause these days little Miss is upset from me and as I said earlier that it's gonna be hard to make it up for her and it is I was trying from a week now but it seems she's not gonna melt any time soon .

" Aleena I'm coming , I said and knock on her door and wait for her reply "

When I get no response I enter in room the room was silent I knock on her bathroom door and when I don't heard any response I decided to go to arsh or ashar room she will be with them I checked there room also but can't find her and even those donkeys are not there . Maybe they all are in her room I thought and was going but stop outside of her room door.

" Ryan it's not look good going in a girl room she might feel uncomfortable , I thought and saw haya coming in my direction "

" Hii Ryan aap office se kab aaye do you had your dinner , she asked me "

" Where is aleena , arsh , ashar , I ignored her questions and asked her "

" Oh they are on terrace watching movie and wasting there time they should do something productive like me , she said "

" Hmm , I said and left from there "

" Ryan aap kha jaa rhe h , she asked matching my pace "

" Terrace , I replied in short and move in lift before the door get closed she come in I sighed and press lift buttons "

" She's continuously staring at me all the time in lift meanwhile I made myself busy in my phone "

At terrace

As soon as I came on terrace the first thing I saw was her , her one eye was closed her lips are mumbling something her one hand is on her heart and another one is fisting blanket I shift my eyes from her to projector where a movie actually a horror movie was played so madam is watching horror movie a smile came on my face looking at her scared face don't you think Ryan you are smiling too much these days my inner self mocked me.

I quietly moved behind her and I guess she feels my presence she trun around and shout

" Ahhhhhhhhh , she screamed so loud that everyone turned and looked at her and than at me "

" Bhai aap , aleena said "

I told her about how I came here and give her chocolate hamper and finally miss melt she hugged me and I decided to stay with them and watch this movie haya also stay there aleena said her something and they talk some nonsense I was less intrested in them as my whole attention was on my little patakha.

" You scared me , she wishper slowly "

" Do I , I said and bend at her level so close that my breath was faning on her neck and trust me I was all aware of my actions "

She was sitting infront of me arsh in between her and aleena .

They are sitting so close that I want to change my seat with arsh I couldn't concentrate on movie in that dim light all I can see was her how her hair are flowing in air how much she's scared of movie but still choose to watch I was enjoying my view until she hold arsh arm and hide her face in it and after that all I can heard was there giggling and whispering sound this make me so angry why she have to hold his arm I'm also behind her can't she come to me .. I thought and a evil idea come in my mind I message a guard Downside and asked him to shutdown the lights and he did it well .

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , they all screamed as there's a light cut and whole terrace turn dark in night no source of light was presence there .

" Guys what happened , I heard aleena "

" I guess it's a shut down , arsh replied "

" I'm scared , aleena said "

" Let's go downstairs , I said and they all agreed "

" Aa ouch , she winched in pain as she bumped into me "

" You definitely have a obsession with bumping into me , I said "

" Excuse me it's dark I can't see that's why we bumped , she replied in defence "

" Dumbo you can you your phone torch , I said "

After a good pause she said

" Wait a minute did you call me a dumbo I mean for real , she said in dramatic way "

" I laugh on her sense in all this all she thinks of how can I called her dumb great , I thought and grab her hand and made a way for us I open my phone torch and we are stepping down from stairs when suddenly she lost her balance and because we are stepping down together holding hands her stunt caused me to roll down from stairs we roll down from 3 to 4 stairs I securely put my arm behind her head protecting her head from any injury and from other hand I hold her waist for my support she hugged me tightly like her life depends on me and I liked it feeling her close to me .

As soon as we are on hall the lights gets on we are still in same position she on me with her eyes closed .

Bhai , varya are you okay did you fall , aleena asked "

" Yeah I feel a push and lost my balance he's infront of me so like that we both fall , she explain them but it's feels like she's telling me that time it's not her fault "

" I laugh at her cuteness and about to ask her if she's ohk or hurt somewhere but haya interrupt me "

" Ryan are you okay , haya asked me "

" Yeah , I replied looking at her "

Before I say something I saw her leaving or I say running from there I laugh at her weird antics and left for my floor .


That's it for this chapter , if you like it then please vote it motivates me .

Do comments and let me know your POVs on my story .

Guys shoutout next part mein dungi I just said first five voters and commenters but I tried to cover you all in these shoutouts this is my small gesture of appreciating your support and love towards me love you guys 💕

Acha chalti hu duon mein yaad rkhna 😉

Words count : 1341

Varya : His Treasure Where stories live. Discover now