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If you haven't noticed yet, the chapter names are songs that I think fit with the story.

Wooyoung's POV

I close the door of my apartment behind me, throw my jacket onto the old couch in the living room and head straight to the kitchen. I open a cupboard that's stuffed with instant noodles, it was cheaper to buy them in bulk.

I take one out, fill a pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. The doorbell rings, I almost forgot the sound of it, since nobody ever uses it.

Who the fuck is that?

I ignore it, staring at the water that's slowly heating up.

Knock knock.

Still ignoring it.


Whoever is behind that door is knocking as if he meant for the whole thing to fall out of its hinges. I turn off the heat for a second, curious which son of a bitch has anger issues this bad, hearing a few more bangs.

Annoyed, I pull the handle and two tall, tattooed, muscular men appear.

'What do you want?'



It gets dark, it takes a second for me to realize I'm being kidnapped, and there's a bag over my head. I'm thinking about why the fuck anyone would ever want to kidnap me, when I hear tape cracking, then ripping, and then my hands are getting tied together.

Now I don't feel or hear anything anymore, except pain in my head. I'm fainting.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, my hands tied behind a chair, my ankles taped to the legs. The room has grey, cracked walls, reminding me of my own apartment. I feel as if I'm in a cheap movie, still wondering why anyone would ever feel the need to kidnap me.

I mean, it's not like it's much worse than my place.

At that moment, a man walks in, considerably less tall than the two men that brought me here, but with equally wide shoulders, black hair and in a tight, black suit. I even think he's quite handsome for a second, before being reminded he literally kidnapped me.

I expect him to say something, instead he just stares at me, licking his lips. It annoys me, I still don't know why he put me in here.

'I'm Choi San', he starts introducing himself, I'm starting to get mad, 'Boss of the Choi family'

'So it's a mafia thing'

'I need you to understand something', the man walks from left to right, making me even more furious, 'I know everything about you, there's not a single place you could go where I can't find you.'

'There's not much to know about me, is there?', I try to hide my fear as well as possible, it seems to be working.

'I know how hard you're struggling for money'

'No shit, Sherlock, anyone could see that. Do you know about my parents too?'

He ignores my comment, 'I'm going to give you two choices, you'll either let me fuck you willingly, and I'll give you money for it', he looks into my eyes, 'Or I'll do it against your will'.

'Are you crazy?'

'I suppose I am'

Two seconds of silence.

'So, what did you choose? Money or pain?'

'No way in hell'

'You're going to have to choose one'

'Why should I?'

'I already told you, there's nowhere you can go where I can't find you'

'So if I choose the first option, I'll be free to go?'

'You'll have to come to me sometimes, I'll pay you generously every time'

'And if I don't?'

'I didn't think you were that stupid'

'I suppose I am'

'I'll give you some more time to think about it', and just like that, he walks out again.

Holy shit this man is a psychopath. A hot psychopath, but a psychopath, nonetheless.

For a second I think about actually doing it. The money would surely help and maybe I wouldn't have to ram oversized dildoes in my ass anymore just to survive. Though I feel like he'd do the exact same thing to me.

On the other side, even if I say no, he'll do it anyway, and he'd probably lock me up in here. I don't believe him when he says he can find me anywhere, I'll just run away or something.

The psycho walks in again.

'Have you made up your mind?'

'I'll do it'

He looks surprised, 'So you're smart after all', he smiles a bit, 'I knew you just needed some time'

I stay quiet but give him a dirty look.

From porn videos to private prostitute for a hot mafia boss, I don't know if that's an upgrade or a downgrade.

'We'll start today then', and he walks out again.

Not much later, the men that dragged me here walk in again, and I can finally take a proper look at their faces. One of them has a scar through his left eyebrow and under his eye. I'm wondering how he got that when they take the rope and tape off of my body.

Each of them grabs one of my shoulders and drags me into a hallway. It looks as bad as the room I came from but one of the doors is wide open, a vague, neon pink coming out. I get pushed into the room and the door closes behind me.

I push it to make sure it's locked, and as expected, it is, then I take the time to look around the space I'm in. It seems to be some kind of fucked up sex room, I'm kind of disgusted by it, but interested at the same time.

It's only then I notice him sitting in a dark corner of the room, scaring the absolute shit out of me. He laughs. He looks attractive in that short moment, but I quickly turn back to disgusted when he gets up from his chair and touches my arm.

His grip is strong and dominant, but his hands are soft. Soft hands don't suit him.

I ended up having to give him a blowjob and now I'm walking out of the building with the two men that brought me here and an envelope with money in my hand. It's the first time I see the building from the outside.

It's looks quite luxurious, I assume not many people know what happens in its basement. I've walked by this building several times, so I know it's not far away from where I live and I can just do it on foot, but it's creepy to know this was so close to home the whole time.

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