VI: Dopamine

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I've been so chaotic in publishing... 

San's POV

A few weeks later

Jongho is standing in front of me again. Completely pokerfaced.

'What do you want this time? I told you there's nothing you can threaten me with'

'I'm pretty sure I can argue with that'

'Then what do you think you have?'

'Jung Wooyoung'

'I told you he's a whore', I say confidently, but I'm lying straight into his face. I'm getting too attached to the boy, but I know that I can't admit it to my brother, 'Why do you even think I'd ever like him?'

I've lied more than once, but this time it hurts.

He reaches into the pocket of his navy-blue suit vest and takes out some pieces of paper. They're photographs.

'I'm your brother, I know when you're lying, and I know how much you actually care about the boy'

He smacks the pictures onto the table. Every single one of them is Wooyoung. He's been stalking him.

There are multiple pictures of him walking into my building, but also things like when he's walking on the street or when he's at work.

'Jongho, do you really think you can hurt me with some pictures of him?', but I keep staring at the pictures. I can't look away from his face even on a piece of paper, and Jongho notices it.

He reaches into his pocket again. More pictures, but this time they're creepier. They're taken around his apartment, probably by hidden cameras. The pictures show him sleeping, eating, brushing his teeth, or even showering.

'I think you're overreacting a bit here', I'm trying my absolute best not to lose my shit.

He sighs.

'You know what?', I blurt out, 'I'll just ignore him, if that doesn't prove I'm not in love with him then I don't know what does'

Jongho chuckles, takes his time to pick all of the pictures back up and just leaves.

I don't want to drag Wooyoung into this, I've started to care about him too much to risk his life just for my horny ass. Jongho will leave him alone and he'll have nothing to threaten me with anymore.

I don't have a choice. I have to let him go. For now, at least.

Wooyoung's POV

I haven't heard from San in a week now, while his men were at my door almost every other day before. I don't know why, but I'm starting to worry.

I'm not only worrying about my own money, even though it would suck to have to go back to my old life, but for some reason, I'm also worrying about San, what would've happened for him to ghost me like this?

Someone comes into the convenience store. Tall, handsome, wearing a grey tailored suit with a red tie. I recognise the handsome face, It's Jackson Wang from China.

He seems just as surprised as I am, a friendly smile appearing on his face when he sees me.

'We meet again, I see', he starts.

'We do'

He grabs something from the shelves without really looking at it and puts it on the counter.

'You like banana milk?', I notice.

He looks embarrassed, his face heating up and his ears turning slightly pink. He really did look at what he was taking.

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