IV: freeze

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San's POV

The little blue car rolled away.

'It's mine now', my little brother caught it and started running through the room so I wouldn't get it back.

'Give it back, Jongho!', it took me almost 10 minutes of giggling and running after him before managing to grab his arm and pulling the car out of his hand.

'I'm faster than you'

'I'll be a lot faster than you one day', he yelled back at me.

He tried to grab the car again, and I ran out of the playroom, into the hallway. Jongho wasn't right behind me, so I had a few seconds to go hide.

I passed a door, it's a room I've never been in before because I wasn't allowed, my father would always tell me it's his 'private space' and nobody can come in, but I almost ran out of time, and I thought my brother would never find me there.

I opened the door, only to find the room was dark and ran in, closing it again and putting my ear against the wooden surface, I heard Jongho running past me.


My eyes finally got used to the low light and I turned around to take a look at the room I'm in.

There was a person.

He was tied to a chair, his head hanging down as if he was dead, but it slowly raised to look at me.

'Help', he mouthed, but it barely made a sound.

I screamed and my body froze in place. My father must have heard me, a few seconds later there's heavy footsteps marching towards me.

The door flew open, the room filled with light again and I could finally take a better look at the man in front of me. He was only wearing pants, the upper part of his body exposed and full of bruises, a small stream of blood running down from his face all the way to his chest.

I was terrified, until my father snatched me by my arm and dragged me out of the room.

'You know you can't go inside there, what the fuck were you thinking?'

'I-I, It's Jongho's fault'

I feel a sharp pain on my cheek, it almost immediately turns bright red.

I had nightmares about that moment for weeks. But now I'm used to it, now I do it every day.

'Someone wants to talk to you', one of my bodyguards says.

His name is Jay Park, he's not the brightest bulb but he's as loyal as a dog, he's one of the only people I can trust.


'Didn't say his name, said he had something important to say'

'Who even knows my location?'

'I don't know'

'Let him in, I'm curious'


A few minutes later, he come in again, someone right behind him.


The man standing in front of me is my little brother, now a successful businessman, who broke all connections with me in order to hide his dark past as well as he possibly can.

'What do you want?', I don't even bother to say hello.

'Stay out of my life', he doesn't either.

'I haven't seen you in years, how could I not?'

'Don't fuck with me'

'I really don't know what you're talking about, Jongho'


'What about him?'

'I know you two made a deal'

'Yeah, I just have to get him a few girls, no big deal'

'Don't play dumb, San, you know that's my most important connection, you just did that to mess with me'

'I did not fucking know, Jongho and I really thought you had something useful to say when you came in here'

'When the cops find out you've been dealing with him, you think it takes them more than a day to find out you're my brother?'

'They won't'

'Don't ever dare to speak with him again'

'Or what? The guy's got money for me, I don't have to tell you that'

'Or I'll find a way to make it hurt'

'You've come in here threatening me, but you don't even know what to threaten me with? That's funny'

'I know about your thing with that kid who makes porn videos, I also heard you're quite obsessed with him'

'Who told you that? He's my fucking whore, brother, a fucking prostitute, you think I'm going to care about the kid?', I laugh out, but deep down I know what he says is true.

'We both know you're lying right now'

'Ridiculous', I yell at him before he turns his back on me and walks out the door again.

I don't know if I should laugh, scream, or light another cigarette right now. The whole thing's quite funny when you think about it, Jongho coming here just because he's scared some cop is going to find out about me.

On the other hand, though, I'm furious. He's threatening me with the one thing I still give one single shit about, Wooyoung. How the fuck did he even find out about him? Someone must be talking about me.

It's quite ironic. Jongho, the good boy who ran away, not wanting anything to do with his crooked family or his dark past threatening to kill someone just to stay out of trouble and hide me from the cops.

It makes sense though; he was never the courageous guy, and he must be terrified of losing everything he's built up all on his own. Being the brother of a mafia boss really isn't the best reputation you can have.

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