To the Overseas

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Nekocchi's POV:

I woke up and simply sat up as I grabbed my phone beside me. I was still half asleep that I managed to grab my lamp instead of my phone. I started tapping the sides with my hand trying to get my phone, yet I can't find it

"Where the heck did my phone fly off to?" I mumbled as I jumped off my bed and started to look for it in panic

Oh fudge oh fudge oh fudge, I'm screwed if I don't find it immediately I continued mumbling those words causing Ai and Syo to wake up

"What have you been chanting since earlier?" Ai asked with his usual monotonic voice

"You're so friggin' annoying, it's 4:30 am, why the heck are you waking me up this early?!" Syo shouted in anger

"Shuddup shorty, I can't find my phone and fyi, I wasn't chanting anything, I was panicking and frantically looking for my stupid phone" I started to lose my patience

"Here, you dropped it when I was carrying you" Ai exclaimed as he handed me my phone. I sighed in relief and calmed down before thanking him

"Drama queen much" Syo mumbled in annoyance before going back to sleep

"Ai, you didn't read any messages nor answer any calls right?" I eyed him suspiciously

"I didn't, there wouldn't be any reason to do that" He remained calm and unfazed as he told me

"Good" I blurted out and simply went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast

Ai's POV:

I lied...but I keep feeling that I shouldn't tell her of what I heard...


I started carrying Nekocchi to our room with an unfazed expression and noticed that she fell asleep

Nekocchi....who is your real identity? Why do I feel pain when I see you with someone.....why do I feel like the spot next to you is only for me? Why do I feel like punching Ranmaru when he gets close to you? I asked myself all these questions as I brushed some of her bangs away, causing the moonlight to hit her face directly

I reflexively kissed her forehead and as if on cue, a voice mail was received by her phone

Out of curiosity, I took out her phone and listened to the voice mail

"Tick Tock......Nekocchi you should really hurry and finish setting up the stage for Rinne-chan you know~ if you're late, both you and Rinne-chan might never have the chance of saving him again......Please don't be late like when you were alive" The voice belonged to a middle-aged lady and ended up leaving me dumb-founded

What did she mean by 'when you were alive'? And wasn't Rinne also Nekocchi? I thought as I arrived at our room. I placed Nekocchi on her bed and accidentally brought her phone with me when I slept

~End of Flashback~

I'll ask the president about this...

I went to the kitchen and saw Nekocchi eating a chocolate filled waffle. She seemed to have noticed me and walked over to me with another waffle in hand

"Here" She handed me the waffle and as usual, she ate like a kid and has some chocolate at the corner of her mouth. I decided to wipe the chocolate off with my thumb and lick it off instead of having to waste my words in trying to tell her where the chocolate is

The others entered with grinning looks and they looked like they were cheering someone on

"Who can go with me later to the orchestra" Nekocchi asked everyone as she continued to eat her waffle

"Ai-Ai can go with you~" Reiji said with a cheerful hum as he winked at me

"Ai's busy since he was gonna ask Saotome about something" She said in a somehow angry tone and eyed me suspiciously

'Go to the lake when you leave this room' She mouthed and I simply nodded

She knows...

Nekocchi's POV:

He knows and I can't let him dig up the situation any further

"I'll go by myself later and probably won't be able to return for a while since I'll have another busy set of schedules overseas" I said out loud and went to the lake

I looked at my own reflection in the lake and saw a sorrowful expression plastered on my face

Lying hurts.....Those words echoed in my mind again and again as I continued staring at my reflection. I continued staring down the lake for a few minutes and noticed a tealette's reflection come into view

"You're finally here" I said with a monotonic voice and he nodded

" What did you want to talk about?" He asked with an unfazed expression

"You listened to the voice mail right?" I asked in a stern voice

"I did" He replied back

"Why did you lie when I asked you if you answered any phone calls or read any messages?"

"You didn't ask me if I listened to any voice mails though" He answered back and I mentally face-palmed

"That may be true but you're still invading my privacy when you do that" I said with an annoyed voice and we became silent for a while

"What did that voice mail mean?" Ai asked as he broke the silence

"Quit concerning yourself with my matter" I replied in a stoic manner before turning to my heel

"Btw, I'll dye my hair brown and will try to act more cheerful after I come back from overseas after a few months so don't be surprised by my drastic change and just go along with my act and make sure to wait for me and never forget me for even a second, got it?" I said out loud and kicked the bush beside me away, revealing everyone

They looked at me with pale faces and nodded while I went to my room to get my luggages and had them places at the trunk of the car before going to the airport

I simply left a note to the others before leaving earlier and it's not like I'm never gonna come back

A few minutes passed and it was finally time for my flight, I boarded the plane and noticed a wet substance soak my cheeks and let the substance drop from my chin

I knew that I might never see them again, yet why.....


Sorry for not updating for a long time QAQ

I got sick alot once again ;-;

And since no one comments their opinion about the chapters, I kinda have a hard time trying to make the plot kinda interesting since it might actually be completely boring ;-;

My mind can't stop thinking about sorrowful plots, I'M SCREWED ;u;

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