The Real Nekocchi (Part 2)

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"Why're you here?" Nekocchi asked asked with a cold tone as she sat on the piano. They looked at her with widened eyes before managing to speak

"Sh-Shouldn't we be the one asking you that?" Syo retorted as he received Nekocchi's cold glare

"W-we really missed you, Nekocchi" Reiji tried banishing the tense mood that was in the room that failed miserably

"Well I didn't" She responded in a cold tone

Rinne stomped towards her and slapped her across the face, causing a critical sound to be heard in the room

"Would you cut it out already?! I know how much you cried every night when you thought about them, I know how much you tried your best to endure my mother's way of treating you!!" she cried as she screamed at her

"You never helped me, so don't speak as if you cared about me" Nekocchi retorted with a cold tone as she got off the piano while Rinne became silent and stared at her with widened eyes as she was hit HARD by the harsh realization of what Nekocchi had said. Nekocchi was about to walk out of the room but ended up getting her wrist caught by Ai

"Let go" She told him as she tried pulling her wrist out of his grip, but his grip only tightened

"No, I won't let go unless you tell us why you never came back" Ai told her with a bit of an angry tone

"Why do you even care? And don't you people already know why I'm here? well if you don't, I'll tell you. I'm here test out the machine that'll finally wake Aine up from his deep slumber." Nekocchi told them bluntly as Rinne's mom suddenly entered the room with a smile

"Nekocchi, it's time for your nap, Rinne, please direct the guests to the living room" The woman said in a kind tone as she grabbed Nekocchi's wrist

"Hai...." Nekocchi responded as she looked back at them with eyes pleading for help but not one of them noticed except for Ai

"Excuse me madam, may we have a moment and talk to Nekocchi alone?" Ai asked as he stopped them

"You've already had consumed enough time to talk to her" She responded as they continued walking away

When they reached the lab's door, Nekocchi began to show resistance and the woman's grip tightened

"Please don't do this....I did what you asked when I met them......I won't show resistance anymore if you won't lay a finger against them....." Nekocchi pleaded with a weak voice but with a blank expression and got pulled on her hair by the woman

"Who says you can talk back?!" She shouted at Nekocchi and dragged her in the lab, Nekocchi couldn't fight back since she'd been drugged almost every day by that wicked woman, causing her to completely weaken

The woman pushed her into a bottle? and locked it with it's cap. Nekocchi tried breaking the bottle, but failed miserably. The woman pushed a button  beside on a remote and water started to fill it. When the bottle was filled, Nekocchi struggled to continue being conscious and tried holding her breath for as long as she could, in the end, she reached her limit and let go of her last breath before losing consciousness. The woman pressed another button to lessen the water till it reaches Nekocchi's stomach level to keep her alive and decided to go to the living room

"Well hello, are you friends with my dear daughter, Rinne?" The woman greeted with a smile as she entered the room

"Yes, they're my friends mother, they have been looking after me when I got to the Master Course" Syo wanted to shout in anger but he couldn't, since Ai was holding him back

"Nice to meet you ma'am" Ai greeted the woman with a blank face and received a shocked stare from her

"Hm? Is there something wrong with my face?" Ai asked as he stared at her

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