Letter and Childhood Friend

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Nekocchi's POV:

I woke up in the morning, irritated of someone banging my door. I jumped out of my bed and rushed to the door, making the door fly open when I kicked it in annoyance. I heard a 'Thud' and the door came flying back to my face, causing me to face-plant on it.

"Oww!! What the hell are you doing?!" I pouted knowing who it is.

"I should be the one asking you that, idiot!" The silverette growled with that irritating voice of his again.

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot" I growled back

"Then quit calling me an idiot, moron" He grunted

"Grrr!! Try pissing me off and I'll throw you off this builiding!" I half-pouted, half-growled (my room was in the 31th floor of the apartment complex)

He simply grinned with that creepy face of his and said in a tempting voice

"Try throwing me off then" 

"Sure, shall I remind you of what I did to the mailman last time?" I smiled with a deadly aura lurking around me

Ranmaru's POV:

She smiled with that creepy smile of hers again and made me remember what happened to that mailman who pissed her off from trying to ask for her phone number and email address.

~Flashback~ (This was when Ranmaru was still in his former band)

I got a day off, so I decided to visit my childhood friend.........more like nightmare. She knows everything, she even knows when I have a day off. She's a freaking stalker and I don't really want to be tied up again just because I didn't visit her during my day off.

I arrived at her place and went in an elevator, going to the 31th floor. I went in front of her door hesitantly ringing the door bell. 

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming closer and I flinched a bit when the door suddenly swung open, hitting me on the face, as usual.

"Ran-chi! you came!" She exclaimed happily while I was rubbing my forehead, where a bump has risen from that face plant

"Quit calling me that, and don't just swing the door open so suddenly" I growled

"Don't just stand there, come in, or do you wanna play video games outside?"  She simply ignored me and asked while holding the door open for me.

"Who the hell would want to play outside?" I asked in annoyance and came in as I took one of the controllers and sat down on the sofa, waiting for her to sit down as well.

She picked another fighting game, as usual.

"I'm gonna beat you this time!!" She exclaimed enthusiastically

"No. you. won't" I said as I defeated her character.

"Awwww, you defeated me again" She whined like a kid

"Quit your whining and choose another game" I told her

"Fine" She sat up and was about to get another game but was distracted by the continuous ringing of her doorbell. She stomped to her door and swung it open, hitting the mailman on the face. The mailman rubbed his face for a while then started staring at her

"What?" She asked, already annoyed at being stared at

"Can I get your number or email address?" The mailman asked

"You bas-" I was about to cuss at him, but got stopped by Nekocchi. 

"Sure" She smiled kindly as she took the mail that was supposed to be given to her. The mailman poofed red and got really excited.

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