Chapter nine: Famous Cook! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant!

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( Jacqueline p.o.v. )

We had just sailed of Treasure Isand after helping a new friend who was stuck inside of a treasure chest for so long that it became part of his body so he became ether a scrub brush or an Bonsai tree but as of right now Luffy and Usopp had decided to have some cannon firing practice so they had found a nice spot to just that.  What the hell is that? Nami asked but before someone could answer her Luffy had fired a cannon but miss the target that was supposedly aiming for waking Zoro in the process. That was way off the mark! Luffy exclaimed. Hey! What's so loud down there? Zoro asked as he sat up after he was ruddly woken up by the explosion of the cannon fire.  Luffy just decided that he and Usopp were going to have some cannon firing practice. I said as Usopp take a turn and hit the target dead on causing the seastack to split in half then crumbled into peices falling right into the water.  Awsome you hit that thing on the first try! Luffy impressily exclaimed. What do you think I'm pretty awsome when it comes to aiming! Are you impressed yet? Usopp asked while pointing to his self with his eyes closed. Yeah you better believe it so it's all setted-Luffy started to say but was cut off by someone making a ruckus from the otherside of the ship.

Get out here ya damn pirates! someone yelled. Hm? That voice...Zoro trailed off. Someone you recognize Zoro? I asked as luffy went to the other side to see who it is that's making all that ruckus. Hey. What the hell? Who are you? Luffy asked as he open the door to go outside to get to the other side of the ship.  And now you think  you can kill my partner? the guy wearing sunglasses with the sword in hand asked angrily as he turns to face us he the takes a swing towards Luffy but Luffy just jumps out of the way cause the guy to miss and hit the uper deck ralling breaking it in half.  Just stop wrecking our ship! Luffy yelled angrily as toss the guy behind him causing him to slam agenst to the wall.  Lost by a hair. the guy said breathlessly as he slids down the wall just then Zoro walks out to see just what all the commotion is all about. What are you doing here Johnny? Zoro asked once he got a good look at the man's face causing the man now know as Johnny to turn over so he sit up on his knees so he can get a better look at the person that had addresed him.  Big bro? It's you! Johnny said shocked but seem to be lightin up a bitt since Zoro is here.  Why are you on a pirate ship? What's going on? around here? Johnny asked a little freaked out at the fact that someone he once considered a big brother is now a pirate insead of a pirate hunter he was known for.

Hey relax! Is everything ok? Where's Yosaku? Zoro asked trying to claim down his lil bro. Well...Johnny startedd to explain that his other friend this Yosaku person is on a small boat badly hurt.  He's been sick. Johnny said crying Zoro just pats him on his shoulder we then help Yosaku on board our ship so we can help him. What is it? Zoro asked. Up until a few days ago he was heathy and full of life and now he keep faiting and getting really pale I have no idea what's causing it! Johnny cried with his hand to his face as Nami came down just as I went up stairs to get a bucket with cold water, a clath to help the idiots just one look at him and I knew what was wrong with him.

( Nami p.o.v. )

I was walking down the stairs just as Melissa went up and into the kitchen. His teeth have falling out, and his old wound opened up and started bleeding he just got worse and worse. I didn't know what to do so I thought maybe we'd just rest on a little island but then a cannonball came flying from this ship! the guy exclaimed upset causing both Usopp and Luffy to whimper with their mouth dopped to the floor just as I had made to the last step. We're very sorry! they said with a bow to show just how sorry they are.  Sorry isn't good enough. the guy said just as Melissa came back down with a bucket of water, a rag. Here Nami this shoud help I'll be back. Melissa said as she head into the storage then came back out with some lime just as I got done checking him over and had just placed the cold cloth onto his forhead she then took a lime then started to squeeze it into his mouth. He's got scurvey. Nami said. Scurvy? the man I now know as Johnny asked as f he's never heard of it before.  Yes that's right if we weren't too late he'll be just fine in a few days. Melissa said as she continue to squeeze lime into the man Ialso now know as Yosaku mouth to help cure him of his illness causing Johnny to gasp.  Really big sis Jacqueline and big sis Nami? Really? Thank you big sis Nami and Big sis Jacqueline! Johnny yelled with spit flying in my face causing me to push him away.

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