Chapter one: I'm Luffy The Man Who's Gonna Be King of the Pirates

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( Jacqueline p.o. v. )

Luffy and I are now seventeen and we had set off in a small boat that just barely fit us both with planty of room to spare as of right now we are now stuck in side of a barrel all cause mr sense of navigation we and didn't want to listen to me we wound up in a whirlpool and is now drifting in a barrel going only god know where as of right now he's asleep after awhile we were lifted out the water. "It felt like we've hit something now it feel like we're being pulled up now we're being put down I wonder just where we are....Ah all well the only way we'll figur that out is when we get out of here and the only way that's ever going to happen is if and when Luffy wake's up and get's off a me.' I thought still annoyed just then there were a boom type of sound that sounded like canon fire followed by screams, yelling. 'Hmm....We must be under attack well the people that unknown to them pulled us out is being underattack.' I thought just as more canion fire ranged in the air as well as shaking and more yelling followed by some crashing."Hello? I really hope there's no one in here. I heard someone say followed by footsteps then a sigh. that's a relief. Huh? someone asked 'It sound like a little kid what's little kid doing here?' I thought/asked myself. Wow that's one big barrel. the boy said as he walks over towards where we are. I wonder what's inside of it. the boy said

he then start to roll us to who know's where until a couple more footstep was heard. 'From the sound of it we have two more company coming our way come on Luffy wake up already.' I thought even more annoyed as one more set of footstep was heard. 'So there was actually three more.' I thought. "It's our favert coeard you trying to hid in here and duck out all the action again?"  someone ruddly aked the poor boy.  "No way! I was just trying to haul this big barrel of beer over to you guys!"  the boy said in a panic cousing the rude man to give a chuckle. "Why don't you let us lighten your load?"  the rude man asked. "I was just startin to get thirsty." the seconed man said. "You can't Lady Alvida will kill us if she ever found out!"  the kid yelled in even more panic. "She won't if you keep you're trap shut."  a third rude man said threatingly and from the sound of it they are all smirking. "Right boy?"  the third rude man asked "Yeah right."  the kid said as if feels like we're being picked up again then put down right side up while the kid give an nervous chuckle. "This sucker's heavy."  the first rude man said.  "Hah perfect."  the third rude man said. "Hold on boys..." the first rude man said as he was cracking his knuckles. "I'll open her the old fashioned way."  the first rude man said as he was about to punch the barrel open Luffy had decied then to wake up

and then stand up while throwing up his arms and breaking open the barrel in the process as he also give a yell and a punch the first rude man knocking him out as well as Sterling everyone else that was near by. "Well nice going Luffy not only have got us out but it looks like you've managed to knock out one of the men and startled the other around him maybe even scaring this little kid." I said. "I slept so great!" Luffy screamed on top of his lungs before he realizes what I had said and takes a look around. "Oopps sorry."  he said with a sheepish grin. "No it's ok Luffy from what I was hearing it sounded like they were harassing this poor boy so in a way with out realizing it you've helped him."  I said.  " that the guy? Who is he anyway?"   Luffy asked then turned towards the other two who is still freaking out. "Who the hell are you guys?" Luffy askd in an bored type of manner as if he could really careless witch he problaly doesn't. "Yeah I'm wondering that myself."  I said with my arms crossed witch made them mad as the got in Luffy's and mine face. "Who the hell are you two?"  they screamed at us. "I'm Jacqueline Sparrow mate."  I said boredly with my arms crossed.

"Your friend'll catch could sleeping like that" Luffy said as he climbed out of the barrel completely ignoring the two's question as he turns to help me out of the barrel. "You're the one who knocked him out!"  they yelled angrly they then put a srowd in Luffy's face. "Hold up are you messing with us when you know good and well that we're vicious pirates? Huh?"  the third rude man asked angrly. "No we're not. And vicious? Please I've seen puppies act more viciouss and with more bark then the two of you put together."  I said with the same bored tone as last time that just made them more mad and Luffy laugh. "Anyway's I'm starving. You got any food?"  Luffy asked the frighted boy. "Luffy ease up a bit you're sarring the already frightened boy. And kid there's no resion to be scared were not going to hurt ya."  I said with a soft smile that made the other two blush and the boy start relax a bitt. "I'm talking to you!"  rude man three yelled angrly causing the boy to freak out again. "You damn kids!"  rude man two yelled as the two of them went to attack Luffy with their swords causing the poor boy to be even more freaked out if that was even possible it also caused Luffy to look over his shoulder.

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