Old faces

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" I'm Vj" This guy looked about my age and to be honest he wasn't that bad looking and I couldn't stop staring at his goddamn beautiful smile "I'm Rebecca but you can just call me Becky. I don't mean to sound rude but I haven't seen you around the Bay before did y.." "yeah I'm Leah's son. I've been staying with my granny for the last year but now I'm back. What about you?" "I arrived a while ago. I'm the Braxton's sister." "oh right"

Before we could say any more, Leah walks into the room. "Oh hi Becky what are you doing here?" "Nate said you wanted to talk to me." "oh yes I did. It's about school." Shit. I don't want to go back to school. I left for a reason. Leah is a resource teacher in the local school so it's her job to help people like me. Bianca has tried to speak  to me once or twice about it as she is the principal, but I just wouldn't give in. 

"Yeah ....about that..... I'm not going back to school Leah I'm sorry , I just can't. I've already spoken to Bianca about it" "Are you sure Becky? You'll know a lot of people like Vj will be in your year and Matt and Sasha an..." "Leah I just can't. I'm so sorry . I better go, Case will be wondering where I am ."

I walk out the door and onto the road . "Wait Rebecca wait! " I turn around to see Vj running after me. " Rebecca I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" "Why would you want to hang out with me?" " Well you're really pretty, and I want to get to know you .Please." "Fine. Here, put your number into my phone and I'll put mine in yours but we are meeting up as friends ok?" "Ok. Whatever you say. How about Angelo's tomorrow at 8?" " sounds good, see you then VJ".

-2 weeks later-
I'm in the kitchen when I hear a knock at the door. "Becky will you get that it's probably just Ash. He said he needed to borrow some surf gear " Brax yells into me. "ok" I open the door to the last person I wanted to see. Mary. Sean's mam from Ireland and she did not look happy. Of course she didn't. She's been in a mental institution for the past few months. "hi..... Mary..... what are you doing here?" Before I could say another word she slapped me across the face. I screamed and ran into the kitchen forgetting to shut the front door. "BRAX HELP!!!!! "
"Did you really think you'd get away with killing my son" "I didn't kill Sean! He died in a car crash when I wasn't even there! " "YES YOU DID KILL HIM!!!! And in return in going to make sure you feel the same pain" "Please Mary you don't know what your doing. BRAX!!" At this point I was sobbing my eyes out. Brax must be in the shower. where the fuck is everybody.
"I know what you did you little bitch and I'm not letting you get away with it. You come running to Australia to have sex with even more guys and ruin their lives you little whore. How many more guys have you killed since my son." "please.... stop.....I loved him....." I say bawling my eyes out. She starts opening the drawers in the kitchen. After the third drawer, she pulls out our meat knife. The biggest knife possible.
"I'll make sure I make this as slow and painful as I can." "BRAX!!!! BRAX!!!!! "

"HEY!! Who the hell are you!?!? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE" . I turn to see Ash at the door. "Ash please help me " I sob. Ask moves forward but Mary puts her arm around my body and the knife to my neck. "Take one more step and I'll slit her throat ." "Ash keep coming, she's Gonna hurt me either wAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! " "BECKY!!!" Everything went black.

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