Broken hearts

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"Are you sure you want to go in Becky? We can wait and get someone from your family to go in with you" Nate says to me while I'm standing outside the door hesitating. "The gun shot wound... Can you see it? " "it's cleaned up but he has no top on to let the wound clean itself up before the fune..." "Please. Don't say that word. I can hardly cope with his death never mind bur..... burying him. Nate will you come in with me? "
"Of course. If that' what you want" he puts out his hand and I take hold of it.

Slowly Nate pushes the door open and lying in front of me is Casey Braxton. My beautiful, talented, kind amazing brother. I can feel my heart breaking. He looked so peaceful. I walked over and kissed him on the forehead leaving teardrops on his head. As I traced the shot wound with my fingers I broke down.
. " I'm so sorry Casey. I should have been there, you don't deserve to be the one who's dead. I should be dead. Why didn't you all tell me what was going on, I could have tried to help you all , I could have done something. I'm so so sorry. I love you so much. What am I going to do without you." I spent almost an hour lying beside him crying my eyes out.

Until Ash arrives. "Becky" I turn around and run into his arms. "How can he be dead Ash. It's not fair. He never deserved this. He's so young" "I know Becky, I know. Come on let me bring you home, please. " I nod in reply . We sat in silence all the way back to the house. I was so drained, I could barely move. Every single part of me felt numb.

I walk into the living room and see Ricky, Denny, Phoebe, Josh and Andy. They all stand up and stare at me when I come in, not quite knowing what to say. None of us no what to say. Finally Denny stands up and walks over to me.  Before she gets a chance to say anything, I speak . "I'm so sorry Denny. I'm so sorry." And with that I walk into my bedroom, lock the door behind me and cry and cry and cry until I finally fall asleep.

^the next morning^
I wake up feeling a lot less drained but everything else is still as raw. I walk into the living room and see Ricky lying on the sofa asleep. "Rick, Rick? Are you ok? Why aren't you next door?" "Brax didn't come home last night so I came in here because I didn't want to stay there alone so I slept on the couch. He's losing it Becky. I saw him yesterday and he was just so distant. I'm so worried about him" "oh Ricky I know. We will sort this out I promise"

"Becky?" "Kyle" I run over to him and embrace him in a hug. "Kyle please tell me what's happened" "I can't Becky, it's up to Brax. Him and Jake have a lot of history. But there is one thing I can tell you. We found out that Casey is only your half brother. His father is Josh's father. That's why he left for a few weeks, he was so confused. I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner" Once again the tears begin to stream. This one has hit me hard. Why didn't they tell me about Casey. Why am I the only one being left out of all things to do with my family. "I need to find Brax. Where did you last see him Kyle ?" "Nate said he saw him go off towards the National Park with the forest area but.." I run out as fast as I can, and hop in my car before driving to the forest area of the massive park.

"Brax.... Brax, Brax!!!!! " "well look who it is. The Braxton girl" "who the hell are you?" "Well it looks like someone has been excluded. I go by the name of Jake"
I recognise that name. Where have I heard it before. Oh wait Kyle mentioned him.
"Oh my killed my brother!!!!!" "Oh so you do know who I am. Well he's not the only Braxton I'm gonna hurt" "stay away from me!!" "oh baby girl...relax, I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to make you suffer, because you see, if you suffer, Brax suffers. What's more precious to him than his baby sister huh? " he grabs my arm and throws me onto the ground making me whack my head. He then pulls out rope and ties me to the closest tree. "Let me go!!!!! Please!!!!!" I say distraught but he doesn't answer.

Suddenly he begins to pull off my trousers. "It would be a shame if I didn't take advantage of this encounter with such a beautiful girl" I spit at him and scream"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!!!!" Suddenly he slaps me. "Shut the fuck up you whore! Unless you want another member of your family killed I would watch your tongue" he then proceeded to pull down my underwear and raped me. When he was done I couldn't move I was so scared and scarred. He began to hurt me by punching me and hitting me. The last thing I remember was him taking out a knife and then everything went black.

-Kyle's POV-
"Rick? Has Becky come home yet" "No Kyle . I rang Vj, Josh, Denny and Nate and none of them have seen her." "Let me try ringing Brax. She is probably with him."

"Brax? Thank god you answered. Where were you las...., actually that doesn't matter right now. Where are you? " "At the gym, why? " "Is Becky with you" "No" "Brax.....she went off into the national park to try and find you." "SHE WHAT?! JAKE IS OUT THERE!!! PLEASE TELL ME SHES HOME KYLE !!! I CANT LOSE HER TOO! HOW DID YOU LET HER GO OUT THERE KYLE" "I'll meet you at the gym we have to go find her" "You aren't going anywhere!!!!" "She's my sister too Brax! Phoebe is here with Ricky. I'll be there in two!!!!" With that I hang up.

"Oh my god she isn't with him is she? " Phoebe asks beginning to cry. "Me and Brax are going to go find her now. I will see you later."

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