Welcome to the Bay

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-3rd person -
I was sitting in Angelo's with a group of people, watching Daryl, Heath, Casey and Kyle all talking at the counter. I was intrigued to know what was going on, so I listened. "Brax are you sure she's coming? She's been in Ireland for the last four years, we don't know her anymore." "Shut up Heath. She's our cousin and we've lived with her for 13 years, how different can a person be?" They have a cousin coming? "Fine. What are we meant to say to her though and what about Kyle?  He's never even met her before ?" "Yeah Brax, what do we say" "well a hi might be a good start." we all turn around and see a girl standing at the door. Cousin Braxton has arrived.

-Braxs POV-
Something about her is different. What the hell happened to the innocent girly girl with blonde hair and bright clothes. This new version is in all black and has dark hair and makeup. "So are you all going to just stand there or would you like to say hi to your cousin?" "Rebecca!" "Hi Casey." Casey runs over to her and embraces her in a hug . "I've missed my little cuz. I hated being the youngest." "Well I'm back now so you don't have to be. Heath." "Rebecca." "Brax and you must be Kyle right?" "Right. Nice to meet you." "Yeah whatever" "What's happened you Rebecca. What's happened to the kind loving girl we knew.?" "Oh for fucks sake,don't you dare judge me Darryl. You haven't seen me in 4 years. You don't know me or what i have gone through so back the hell up. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find somewhere to stay." "You are staying with us." "Hahah good one. Now why exactly would I want to be staying with you Brax?" "Your underage, you don't have a choice now come on, I will introduce to the others back at the house." "great......." I don't know what's happened this girl but I'm going to find out.

-Rebecca's POV -
Why did I come back? This was a shit idea. This is my family anymore. They don't care about me. We arrive at the flats. "Right. This is Bianca, Heaths wife. This is Phoebe, Kyle's girlfriend, this is Denny Casey's girlfriend and this is Ricky my girlfriend." This is all just too much too soon. I can't handle being near people in relationships right now, I need to get away from this "Wonderful. I don't know how i am going to contain my excitement....... Now where am I staying because I need a shower." They all look at each other in shock and then finally Brax speaks up "Straight down there and second door on your left. Oh and in half an hour we are getting food so be back here by then!" he yells while I'm walking away."Not hungry!"i yell back.

-1 hour later-
I need to get out of this room, away from all these people. I need to get drunk fast, but where is there to go ?. I turn on my laptop and I search for night clubs in the Summer Bay area. "bingo" I say to myself as I see a club that is a five minute walk away. I don't particularly like clubbing but it will show them that I've changed and once again it is a way for me to drink away my thoughts. I can't go back to the girl I was with my family. All it does is cause me pain.Anyone I get close to ends up dying. My parents didn't even want to know me. That's why I have been living with the Braxton's my whole life. To be honest I don't even know why I came back here. Maybe some part of me hopes that they still care.
I search through my suitcase and find a short, red body-con dress which is perfect. I put on makeup, straighten my hair and then I put on a long jacket so nobody sees what I'm wearing. I head for the door before I hear someone call. "Rebecca is that you?" "Yeah. Bianca right?" " Yeah! I was just wondering , Me, Phoebe and Ricky wanted to bring you on a tour of Summer Bay tomorrow." "I'll think i'll pass" " Please Rebecca. We are not looking for you to open up to us or consider us family yet, we just want to be able to be civil to each other since we are living together and maybe later on we can try to become friends. What do you say?" "Fine. It doesn't sound like i have much of a choice" "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING!?"
I turn around to see Brax and Heath appear from a room. "out" I then say walking out the door. "It's 12 o clock at night! And why are you wearing this big coat, it's roasting out" Brax comes over and opens the jacket. "Get the fuck out of that dress and into something decent!"
"Don't you dare act like your in charge of me Brax! 4 years If you felt like you were responsible for me then you would have come and found me! or at least tried to contact me!  I'm not the only one who has changed in four years. I know the shit you have done ! You promised me that you would look after me and stay out of trouble! Your just like everybody else, you let me down over and over again! I have no family here or in Ireland! I was sent to Ireland because your piece of shit father hated me and all I have gotten in those four years is a birthday card each year from Casey! Nobody has any say in my life anymore! From the age of 13 I have looked after myself and that's no different now! The minute I turn 18 I won't need a guardian and I will be getting the hell out of here so until then, leave me the fuck alone!" With that I run out the door.
I didn't want to cry but I felt the tears streaming down my face so I ran around the corner and sat on a bench beside the beach. I had come to the conclusion. I hate my life.

- Braxs POV-
"She's right Heath,we have all let her down." "I know Brax, we fucked up big time and I will never forgive myself for it but I can tell there is something else going on that she's not telling us, I can sense it." "But what could it be Heath and how are we going to get her to tell us?"

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