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We sit down in the seats at the graveyard. I look around to see that Denny still hasn't arrived. "Ricky have you seen Denny?" "No I... Wait... She's over there" I look across to see her standing in the far side of the graveyard. "I got this, give me two minutes." I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk over to where Denny is. I can tell she doesn't want to talk so I put out my hand for her to take. "You deserve to be here as much as any of us. Come on, I have you" she takes my hand and follows me over to the seats. When we sit down we stay holding hands.

Andy, Josh, Ash, Brax and Kyle carried the coffin to the grave. As soon as I saw the coffin, I broke down again. The man running the ceremony said a few words and did a blessing. Then it was time for the eulogy. Brax got up and began to talk.

"You may not know this but Casey was born at home. At least mom knows. Me and Heath were in trouble that day, we put our foot through the front window of the house and dad, well he wasn't happy we'll leave it at that. So he takes off to the pub and the next thing we know Moms yellin to call an ambulance, that the baby's on it's way.

It happened that quick. Typical Casey he's impatient. So Moms arguing with the Ambulance and Heath is goin on about being hungry or something, so I thought id go over and take a look at my new little brother.

He... He was crying his little head off" as Brax began that line he broke down in tears and so did I and everyone else. "So I took his little hand and he... he stopped crying. That's when I knew I had to look out for him and make sure no one hurt him "

He begins sobbing. "I'm sorry Case, I couldn't do it.... I couldn't do it. I love you mate"

When Brax finished his Eulogy, everyone started to head to Angelo's, leaving me, Denny, Kyle, Brax and Ricky. "Becky do you two want a lift home?" "I'm ok Kyle, we will follow you in a few minutes. You head off with Brax and Ricky." Kyle and Brax kiss me on the top of my head and go home.

Denny stands up and puts a rose into the grave. "Denny I want you to know that Casey really really loved you. He's dated girls in the past but he never talked about them the way he talked about you. When your name was mentioned or you walked into the room, his face lit up. I just need to make sure you know that." "Thanks Becky. The same with you. Every two seconds he would be talking about you and all the memories you had together. Like the competition of who could collect the most feathers for the other person and that it got to the point where he was a actually catching birds haha. Everything he did was for you, he spent his whole time trying to find ways to cheer you up and bring the old Becky back. He really did love you"

"Sorry I didn't mean to make us both cry again but I think it's nice to remember these things. The next little while is going to be hard but we will make it through it. And Denny, always remember, even though Casey isn't here, you will always be part of our family" she pulls me into a hug. "Thank you Becky that means so much. Let's go home. Love you Case" "love you Bro"

-at Angelo's-
"How you holding up princess?" "To be completely honest, I don't know, everything's a bit of a blur. I don't know where I go from here Jay" "it's ok Becks. We'll get through it I promise." He kissed me on the cheek.

Next of all my phone vibrates. "Hello?" "Hey Becky it's Heath. I'm down at the grave if you wanna come down. Brax said he'll be down in a bit" "I'll be there in two Heath, bye"

I hop up and run out of Angelo's, heading for the graveyard. When I get there I see Heath standing at Casey's grave. "Heath" he turns around and I jump into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. I begin to cry again. "I love you Becky" "I love you too Heath"

"What made you change your mind about coming home" "I looked at Darce and Harley. It reminded me of when we were all kids. You need to promise me that you will stay out of whatever is going on Becky. I will lose it if you die. I can't lose my little sis" "I promise" "I never want you to even see Jake" " too late" "What?!?!" " I went out looking for Brax, so I went down to the national park. Jake was there. That's where all these cuts and bruises are from" "oh my god Becky, I am so sorry"

"Heath.... If.... If I tell you something..... Will you promise not to tell anyone. I'm trusting you" "what is it Becky" "he.... He.....he raped me Heath.... He raped me" I broke down in tears, crying my eyes out. "I can't get it out of my head. I can't sleep at night and I can barely walk outside by myself. It's ruined me Heath." "I want you to come to the city Becky" "I can't Heath. I can't just up and leave everyone behind. What would that do to Brax" "I know, I just can't believe I let that happen to you. You need to go to the please" "some things can't be helped Heath. Please, don't tell anyone, if you do I will never forgive you" "ok I promise but remember if you ever need me I'm always here" "same with me Becky"

I turn around to see Brax walkng towards us. He embraces Heath into a hug. "You are everything to us Becky, and me and Heath will make sure nothing ever happens you" "thanks guys. I better head back to Angelo's. Bye Heath, I love you" "I love you too sis, so much"

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