Waking up

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-Ricky's POV-
Me and Phoebe have been waiting for an hour for word from the boys. We called Denny, Josh, and Vj to let them know what has happened but to be honest, none of us actually know what has happened.

Suddenly the phone rings. "Hello? Kyle?" "Hi Ricky, we found Becky. She was unconscious, Jake must have got to her." "Where is she now?" "We are at the hospital. She still unconscious Rick" "we'll be down as soon as possible. Kyle, what about Brax " "he hasn't left her side and barely said two words, see you in a few" "bye"

"Rick, what is it?" "Vj I'm sorry , she's unconscious" "oh my god. We need to go." "You are right, I'll drive you"." We are coming aswell. I'll drive Josh and Denny" "thanks phoebs"

We arrive at the hospital soon after. "Nate! How is she" "she's actually just woken up. I don't think you should all go in, she is very fragile and won't talk to anyone. Brax should be back from getting something to eat in a minute. We hope she will talk to him"

- Becky's POV-
"Becky? What happened Becky?" I stay silent. I have no emotions. I can't get any words out. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare. All I can see is jakes face and feel him touching me. It's hurts so much. "Becky please" "go to the city and tell Heath what's happened to Casey. He can't hear it over the phone, same with mam" "Becky I need to know" "goodbye Brax I love you" "I love you too." I turn my shoulder to him and lie the other way.

I hear voices outside which means the others are here too. "Hey Becky, it's Kyle. I know you don't want to talk so just let me pick you up and bring you home to bed. We don't have to say anything to each other." I turn around and stretch out my arms for him to pick me up. He picks me up bridal style and I nuzzle my face into his chest. "Don't worry, you don't have to talk to anyone, I'll do the talking"
He carries me outside and everyone stands up. "Becks! Princess are you ok?" Vj asks me but I can't reply.  "Just leave it Vj. " Phoebe asks him "but she's...." "Vj please" Denny replies. "Look I'll bring you and Denny home to your houses. I don't think there's any need to be here. Then Josh and I will follow you home Ricky"

Kyle then brought me home with Ricky and brought me up to bed. Phoebe made Kyle leave the room and she helped me get into my pajamas as I had no body energy. As soon as she was done, I lay in bed and shut my eyes. I haven't been able to sleep at all since the incident but atleast if I pretend I won't have to talk to anyone.

4 hours later after no sleep, Kyle came in with a plate of food but I didn't feel like eating at all. "Brax and Ricky have gone to the city to talk to Heath and Bianca but don't worry I'm not going anywhere. Phoebe and Josh and Evie are in the house aswell. Please eat something Becky, we are all so worried about you." I don't reply "I love you Becky remember that, we all do "

5 days later and I hadn't got out of bed or spoke to anyone. They all have tried so hard but I just can't bring myself to talking or doing anything for that matter. But today I have to. Today is Casey's funeral. The day I was dreading the most.
I had no energy to feel any emotions. Everything just felt empty. I got out of bed and got ready. I applied a layer of light makeup to cover my pale cheeks and dark circles under my eyes. I then I put on my black dress. It was too loose so I had to pin it. That must be because I haven't been eating. I then head to the kitchen where everyone is meeting.

"Hey Becky, do you want some breakfast" "I'm ok thanks Ricky" Kyle, Brax, Cheryl, Josh, Evie and Phoebe were there aswell. "Hey Rebecca come look at the photo in this album." Cheryl said "haha, Casey looks so cute and innocent" "yeh little did we know he would turn out like he did. Kind and gentle yet tough. You had one job Darryl, to protect my baby, and you let him down." She says bitterly.

Slowly Brax backs out of the room and walks into his and Ricky's house. "Mum, how could you say that? You have no idea how he feels. He was much closer to Casey than you were. He did everything he could" "I'll go talk to him." "No it's ok Rick. I'll do it"

I walk in and see Brax sitting on the sofa so I sit down beside him and wrap my skinny fragile arm around him. "You can't hold it in forever Brax. Let it out, it's only me here. You need to let it out" he freezes for a second and then breaks down in tears "What am I going to do without him Becca. I miss him so much" I pull him into a hug and he rests his head in on my chest. "I know Brax, I know."

We just sit in silence for a few minutes. Nothing needs to be said. It's like me and Brax sending our love to Case through silence. Eventually Brax lifts his head up. "Thanks Becky" "No problem Brax. Remember I'm always here for you. We are a team. We have to stick together, now more than ever" "I know. It's good to have you back" "don't worry. I'm not going anywhere . Now come on, we better go"

We walk back into the room holding each other's hands. "Let's go" I say and everyone follows us out of the house. When I get outside I see Vj standing there along with Andy. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. "Thank you for being here Vj" "I wouldn't miss it for the world" "Brax, Becky, Kyle and Cheryl, We'll go in this car" Ricky says and we follow her to the car. "Hey wait has anyone seen Denny" I say before getting into the car and they all shake their heads so I hop into the car beside Cheryl and Kyle with Ricky and Brax in the front.

As we arrive at the graveyard we see all the riverboys lined up on either side of the road. We also see all the members of the Bay arriving. The car pulls in and someone opens the door for us to get out. Here goes nothing......

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